thank you.

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(So looks like wattpad never published this, even though I thought I had published this months ago)

Before I start dropping names I want to thank every single one of you, who decided to click on this story, vote, comment or/and put this into their reading list. I got so many amazing comments that made my days and also so many funny ones that made me laugh so hard. I wish i could write down every single name of every person and thank them individualy, but it's too many, sorry. So if you are reading this, thank you!


Berna, thank you so much for being here since the beginning, hyping me up, being genuinely happy with the things i have achieved here. Without you I wouldn't be here right now. Thank you also for helping me come up with great plots ( the whole Wonwoo was bullied by Junhui situation was her main idea). Thank you for being the best person ever.

Wiktoria, thank you for having the courage to message me and keep on chatting with me. I am so happy that I met you through this story and that our friendship is still going strong. Thank you for helping gain motivation again to finish this story and I promise you we will meet someday!

Dilara, even if I know that my older sister won't read this here, I want to thank her, too. Without her showing me Wattpad and back then the One Direction stories, I would've never found this amazing place to read and write and I would've never published Station 11. I also thank her for being such an inspiration for me.

Angelina, another person who probably won't see this. Thanks for taking the time to read my chapters, even though you have no clue about Kpop. Your critisism and help, got me writing this story into something even better.
The rest might be weird now, but it has to be said.

Seventeen, thanks for being the amazing boys you are! This story wouldn't exist without Seventeen, so I want to thank them for letting me (without asking) use them as inspiration for this story, but also for my own personal life.

I think that was it. Should I also thank myself for sticking through with this and actually finishing something? I think I should. Thanks Mel, for actually getting up and writing one of coolest things you've ever done. And thanks, Mel for actually being that brave and publishing the prologue. Because that little publish button turned into this beautiful story 3 years later.

I think that's it.
See you soon. (but probably not here anymore)

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