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Junhui and Soonyoung had a fight.
They don't want to tell me and Chan what happened, but Junhui broke Soonyoung's nose.

Because of that Junhui isn't talking to us or even being with us.

Whenever Soonyoung and Junhui look at each other we get the feeling that they're going to fight again.

When we eat he is sitting alone in the corner, showing us only his back, but Soonyoung says Junhui deserves it.

"Minghao, stop looking at him. Do you want to be with us or that traitor?", Soonyoung said, after I came back from therapy and I saw Junhui sitting alone in the TV room.

"Hyung, I can be with anybody I want to be", I told him and made Soonyoung roll his eyes.

"If you want Junhui to hurt you, too there you go", he said and left with Chan.

Leaving me alone.

I entered the TV room and Junhui immediately turned around and, again, showed me his back.

"Junhui stop being childish", I told him.

"You are calling him 'hyung'", he said and shook his head.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"You never call me that. And I am even older than him", Junhui said and sighed.

"Does it make you that sad?", I said and chuckeled.

"Don't laugh, because it does", he said and I stopped.


"It's like you're not showing me any respect", he said and finally turned around to face.

"Okay, sorry"



Now he was laughing.

"Whatever. Sit down"

I did so and not even a second later a nurse entered.

"Minghao, your mum called. I give you an 30 minutes, ok?", she said with a soft smile.

I only nodded and left the room.

"Minghao, my son is it true?", was the first thing my mum said.


"You are gay?", she asked me.

"What? No", I said and shook my head, even though she couldn't see me.

"But Minah to-", I stopped her.

"Mum, do you trust Minah more than your own son?", I asked.

"Well, you disappointed me a lot of times actually, son. You promised us so many times to gain weight, but look what you've done to yourself", she whispered and I knew that she was going to cry.

"You did that to me, mum. You put me into that hospital", I said.

"It was the last thing I could do", she said with a weak voice.

"The last thing to do what?"

"To save you from dying"

And after that words I hung up.

Because she was lying.

Sua was standing at the door and it looked like she heard my conversation.

"Why did you hang up so fast?", she asked me.

"She told me that she wanted to save me from dying. What a liar", I said and laughed.

"But she is right, oppa"

"Shut up", I said and made her flinch.

"Did you gain weight?", she continued.

"I don't know. They won't show me", I said.

"It's the same with me. But there is a really easy solution", she said and showed me her index finger.

"What are you talking about?"

She came to me and whispered something into my ear.

"You don't have to keep that disgusting food in you forever. Your fingers can help you to let everything out"

"That's gross", I said, but we both know that she got me.

"Try it. Or be fat, because of them. It's your decision, oppa", she said and smiled.

"It's dinner soon. You can go an try it"

And she left.

And again we both knew that I was going to.

I totally forgot that I am not allowed to leave for 45 minutes after I ate, but Sua told me to say that I forgot something in my room.

After I ate more than the half, I asked the nurse if I could leave, getting weird looks from Soonyoung and Chan.

The nurse allowed me to leave, but wanted me to hurry up.

I ran to my room and saw something on the nightstand, that made me smile.

The keys for the bathroom.

Sua got them for me.

I grabbed them and walked into the bathroom, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I closed the door behind me and stared into the mirror.

I was ugly.

My face was swollen and it looked like I've gotten a doublechin.

I kneed in front of the toilet and looked at my fingers.

Now or never, Minghao.

And I threw up.

"Is there any-Minghao? Stop!", a voice shouted and made me scream out of shock, too.

I forgot to lock the door.

I turned around and even though I was really embarrassed I still stared into that shocked face.

Junhui's face.

"Did you just...Minghao..you promised me", Junhui didn't know what to say and neither did I.

"I...", I started, but stopped.

"Let's go to my room", he said and helped me to stand up.

My whole body was shaking, while we were walking and I was holding back my tears.

He's going to tell them and I'll stay here forever.

"Sit down", he said after we arrived and closed the door.

I did so and waited for him to talk.

He did the same.

It was silence and I was the one who broke it.

"Sua told me to do it", I whispered and felt guilty for blaming somebody else.

"But she didn't force you anything. Isn't Sua that weird ass girl that is in love with Chan?"

I only nodded.

Junhui sighed and said:

"I know you are scared, but trust me. I won't tell anybody. But please never do that again, please", he said and his eyes were filled with worry.

I trusted him.

And I promised him and this time I didn't lie.

After a reaaaaaally long time I uploaded a chapter:)

I got some new ideas and wrote a short story called "pain" , about Junhui and I was so into it, that I didn't have time to continue this story.

And school started last week, and that means I'll be a bit unactive.

(BTW I am dragging a non Kpop fan into Seventeen and I am proud)

See you:)

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