cinquante cinq.

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I saw him at the convienience store, when mum was at work and we didn't have any coffee at home. He was with two other guys and were staring at the chocolate section.

"What about chocolate pudding instead", one of his friends said and Junhui froze. He was thinking about me after hearing 'chocolate pudding', I was so sure.

"No, not really in the mood for that", he said in a calm voice and my fingers nearly dropped the can of cooled coffee after hearing him talk again. It's been weeks and this situation seemed unreal. I thought I would never see him ever again, but after the first actual day of being out of the hospital I spotted him again.
I didn't know what to do. I was awake the entire night thinking about him and his message and now he was in front of me. His clothes were simple and dark and I hated the fact the he looked good in them.

"Sorry, could you move? I would like to get something that's behind you", his second friend said to me and brought me back to reality.

"Oh, I am sorry", I said loudly and stepped aside. Junhui dropped his chocolate bar after hearing me talk and quickly turned his back to me and his side profile disappeared,as he was picking up what he had dropped.

"Junhui, you wanted a bigger water bottle right?", his friend next me asked and Junhui finally turned around.

"Uhm, yes. Grab anything, I'm fine with that", he stuttered and finally looked me in the eyes. I held my tears back and forced myself to not show any emotions.

"Hi", I said and got confused by that sudden wave of confidence.

"Hey", he nearly whispered.

"How are you?", I asked him and realised how his friends were trying to understand the situation.

"Uhm, kinda fine. And you? How long have you been out?", he put his leg forward, but didn't take a step. I've seen him this nervous the last time, when he didn't want to ride the cable car.

"I am also fine. And I've been on my own since yesterday. I read your message", I told him and saw Junhui blush and cough afterwards to quickly cover it up.

"Oh, good. I wrote it a few weeks before you left. Dr. Nam told me to do that", he removed his hand from his mouth to talk.

"I really liked it. Thank you", I said and he nodded.

This situation seemed too unreal. I wanted to slap him, yell at him, but also hug him, kiss him and tell him how much I've missed him. But instead of doing aby of these things, I just stayed at this one spot and stared at him. And he did the same.

"I don't want to interrupt, but we should get going slowly. The manager told us to hurry up", the friend next to him said, while looking at Junhui.

"Sure, right. Uh, guys by the way this Minghao. Minghao, this is Seungcheol and Jeonghan. We are trainees together with some other boys", he said and finally moved to pay for his snacks.

"Nice to meet you", I said and bowed and two surprised looking boys did the same.

They left after paying and I heard them whisper, as they walked out the door.

"That was your boyfriend you told us about?", the boy that Junhui introduced me as Jeonghan sounded excited. I pressed my lips together when I heard that. He still talked about me as his boyfriend. I
couldn't figure out how I felt about that.
This made me dizzy. I didn't really think about the current relationship position we were in, after he left me in the hospital without saying anything. With shaking fingers I paid for my coffee and slowly exited.
I nearly dropped my coffee for a second time, when I saw Junhui leaning against the wall. Without his friends. He stopped me after spotting me.

"Where are your friends?", I asked him and looked around. I tried to ignore his hand on my shoulder. It felt warm in this cold weather.

"They left to tell the manager that I'll catch up. I just have to talk to you. About everything. But I don't have time now. So when and where can we meet?", he still sounded nervous.

"You didn't ask me if I even wanted to meet up with you", I said and was surprised by how cold I sounded.

"You're right, sorry. I really want to clear everything up and explain myself. Would it be okay with you?"

I nodded and Junhui smiled for the first time I've seen him again. I nearly smiled back, but held myself back after remembering the situation we were in.

"Fine. How about tomorrow? We can meet up here and then decide together where we want to go. When is it okay for you?", I asked him and Junhui seemed even more excited.

"Uhm, usually my lunch break starts at one pm. Let's meet here again tomorrow at 1:30 pm okay", his hand finally left my shoulder and it felt like the cold wind was brushing the warmth of his touch away.
I nodded again as my response and slowly took a step to signalize that I was about to leave.

"See you then", Junhui said and still smiled. His eyes seemed kind and calm. The storm that was going through his head for so long, finally seemed to have calmed down. 

"Yes. See you", and with these words I turned around and took a few steps.

"Minghao", I heard him shout. I knew it.

"Hm?", I stopped walking and only turned my head to his direction.

"I was really happy to see you here today. I am happy that you finally got out. I am really proud", he was still loud, as he was walking away, probably scared to get scolded for not going back to his company in time.

I couldn't help, but blush at his words. I was still angry, but something about him softened me.

"Thank you", was all I said and all I could think of saying to him, before he waved one last time, turned around and started running.

I didn't realise until then, that I also smiled after he called my name again.

Wassup! 3 updates in 3 days and my favourite boy is back. Let's see how their relationship turns out at the end:)))
See you soon, Mel

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