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I felt something soft, warm and heavy on my body. But I could feel my legs shaking. I was awake, but my eyes were still closed.

It was quiet, but I could hear somebody breath. After some seconds, I also felt a hand on my shoulder. Somebody was with me. Slowly, I also remembered what happened.


And my eyes were open. It was a bit blurry at first, and I moved my head to the right.

Junhui was there. Hand on my shoulder. Unmade hair. Worried look on his face. He still managed to smile, after looking into my eyes and noticing that I was awake.

"How do you feel? Are you in pain?", he asked me with a soft voice.

I only shook my head.

I noticed, that I was on Junhui's bed, his blanket covered my body. Everything was clean in his room. No hoodie, no weight scale.

"Did you tell-", I started.

"No", was his immediate response.

I pressed my lips together to hide my embarrassment. I was ashamed.

"I wondered why you didn't return and after I entered my room, I saw you lying on the floor. Your head could've crashed onto the scale. I was so scared, you idiot", he told me and removed his hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm still trying to control this part of me. It doesn't listen to me most of the times", I said and saw how he calmed down.

"I know. I was just so worried", he kissed my forehead.

"For how long did I pass out?", I asked him and tried to stand up.

"Be careful!", his hands rushed back to my body and he helped me.

"Not that long, thank god. A bit more than five minutes, after I found you", he added.

He went to his closet and took out the hoodie, that I wanted to give him.

"Wear that. You are still shivering", he told me and I did so.

A familiar smell was around me. Junhui's smell. I calmed down.

"Let's go to the practice room. But you shouldn't dance. I don't want that something happens to you again", he said and I rolled my eyes.

He took my hand and we went to the practice room. An unfamiliar song was playing. I opened the door and saw Soonyoung and Chan infront of the mirror, covered in sweat. Jihoon was also there. He was sitting at a corner, watching them. He seemed tired.

"Sit next to Jihoon", Junhui told me.

"Why? He's a part of our team", Soonyoung said.

"He doesn't feel good", Junhui replied.

"We all don't feel good. Come on, Minghao", Soonyoung was annoyed.

"He passed out earlier and now shut up", Junhui hissed and I finally went to Jihoon and sat down.

The music started and Soonyoung and Chan showed Junhui the new dance. Jihoon talked to me.

"I heard, that Junhui is your boyfriend. Is it true?"

I nodded.

"And he didn't hurt you?"

I shook my head.

"Why?", I wanted to know.


"Why should he hurt me? I don't get it. He is pretty careful with me", I told him.

"Well his head is still messed up. Like mine. And after what he did-", Jihoon stopped himself, but I knew what he wanted to say.

"Wonwoo?", I said.

"You don't know it, do you? Well, that's an asshole move from him. You have the right to know. I mean, you guys are a couple now", he said.

"He says, he can't tell me now. Is it that bad?"

"Well, if I would've been Wonwoo, I would've already killed myself"

I gasped.

"Stop it", Junhui warned us, standing suddenly infront of us.

Jihoon didn't say anything. I was mad.  Everybody knew about it. Even Jihoon. But I didn't.

"Anyways, can you sing?", Jihoon changed the subject.

"Uhm, I never tried it. I was only interested in material arts and breakdancing" 

"I just found out, that Soonyoung is a pretty good singer. So I wanted to know if you are good, too"

After that we weren't talking, only watching the three boys. Junhui eyes switched to mine sometimes, through the mirror. I needed to hold back a smile everytime. I felt like an idiot.

After two hours and leaving 3 times to go to the bathroom, they were finally done.

"Tomorrow Minghao is going to learn the dance", Soonyoungs said and turned to me. "Okay?"

I nodded.

"Let's go and eat dinner", Chan said, but didn't move.

He was lying on the floor, trying to catch breath. His face was red and he was sweating.

"Calm down at first and take shower", I told him and we laughed.

Jihoon and I left to eat and sat down next to Wonwoo and Mingyu.

After Wonwoo and Jihoon left to take their food, I finally let it out.

"I secretly weighed myself with a scale, that was in Junhui's room. I passed put afterwards"

Mingyu looked up from his food, his eyes widened.

"How much?", was all he said.


"kilograms?", he was even more under shock. I only nodded.

"How much am I'm going to be? Oh god, I'm here for a longer time than you. Do you think I'll be over 70?", Mingyu started to panic and I regretted telling him.

"Calm down. You weighed even less, when you came first. And I didn't really notice any change on your body", I told him.

"But I feel twice as heavy now. God, Wonwoo will think I am disgusting now and will break up with me", he was holding back his tears, glancing at Wonwoo who was putting salad into a bowl.

"He didn't fell in love with you, because of your body", I still tried to calm him down, but failed.

"Why are defending this situtation. You probably think think the same, don't you", Mingyu said and I gave up.

"I do", I admitted. "I can't tell Junhui how much I weigh now. It's so embaressing", I sighed and leaned back on my seat.

Wonwoo and Jihoon arrived back at our table and our conversation ended.

Heyo. Just going to say one thing.  1 chapter left.
(Going to update the chapter after 500 comments and 2000 votes....kidding idc^^)

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