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"I want you to hug me"

He smirked after seeing my shocked expression and came one step closer.

"Junhui, stop", I whispered. "You are scaring me"

He laughed:" It's just a hug. Why is it scary?"

"I don't really like physical contact"

He sighed:"Maybe I can help you with that. It could change if you would hu-"

"Stop it now!", I suddenly shouted, pushed him away with all my strength and locked the bathroom.

I heard Junhui sighing again and then walking away. 

I was still shaking a bit, because I don't really like fighting or shouting at people. 

I finished my business as quick as possible and went back to my room, where Chan was already sleeping.




For 3 Minutes now I've been sitting at this chair and waited for my special doctor. The room looked pretty different from what I imagined. I thought everything would be white and scary, but I felt comfortable for no reason and I was staring at the huge map of the world that was hanging on the wall in front of me.

Finally somebody opened the door behind me, but I didn't turn around and waited until my doctor was standing in front of me.

I saw a woman, who could be in her early forties, with black straight her and a little friendly smile. She sat down and waited for me to talk.

But I didn't.

She gave up and started talking:" My name is Dr. Nam Yuna. Nice to meet you, Minghao"

I only faked a smiled and she continued talking.

"So you know why you are here right?"

I only shook my head, because well I didn't know why my mum put me here.

She chuckled:" Oh, okay. Today and for next meetings we are going to talk about your anorexia and try to fight it as good as possible"

I finally started talking, even though my voice was really weak:" I don't have this ana...whatever this thing is called"

"You do. I accept it that you don't want to realize it. You are not the only one. But anorexia is not called a 'thing'. It's a very serious disorder, that is hard to fight without any help"

"And I don't need your help, because I am fine", I said and wanted to stand up and leave, but I didn't.

She sighed and it was quiet for a time. Then she turned around and pointed at the map. 

"Have you ever visited any other country, Minghao?"

"I thought we had  to talk about-", I couldn't finish my sentence, because her finger pointed to a country.


"Yes, I've been born in China and lived there for 13 years", I said.

"Oh really? Now your name makes sense. It didn't sound Korean", she said and was happy, that I finally gave her a good answer.

"Why did you move?", she asked the question I hated.

"Family problems", was the thing I always used to say, if people asked me about China.

"I see", was the only thing Dr. Nam said. She knew that I was lying.

"Is there any country you want to visit?", she asked me and put her finger finally away from that country.

"New York", came out of me and she started laughing.

"That's not a country" 

She made me laugh, too.

We talked about a lot things, but not about my 'serious disorder' and after one hour she told me that I can go and eat lunch now.

I was going to our table, but only saw Junhui and Soonyoung eating and talking.

"Guys, were is Chan?", I said and they finally noticed me.

"I thought he would be with you, I haven't seen him the entire day", Soonyoung said and shrugged his shoulders. 

"No. I had my first therapy meeting today and he was still sleeping, when I woke up", I sat down next to Soonyoung and was looking at the door, hoping he would appear.

The nurse came to gave me my food and I asked her about Chan, but she said that he doesn't have to be here every time and maybe wants rest a bit.

I sighed and tried to accepts he statement.

"Dude, calm down. It's not the first time that he stays in his room, while lunch time", Junhui said and waved at me to stop me from staring at the door.

"But it feels weird", I said and finally looked away.

"It doesn't", Soonyoung also wanted to distract me. "In 45 minutes you can go back to your room and convince yourself"

I started eating and talked about my first meeting with the two guys and they were jealous that I had Dr. Nam, because they told me that she was the nicest out of all.

"What did you guys talk about?", Junhui asked me, while stealing a slice of bread and stuffing it into his mouth.

"About China and other countries"

"She did the same with me, when I had my first meeting with her. She acted like she didn't know I was Chinese and wanted to get closer with me", Junhui said, while he was still chewing the bread.

"You are Chinese?", I was shocked.

"Uhm...yeah. Surprise", he said and we all started laughing.

He started talking about his hometown and how much he misses it.

"Jun promised me and Chan to go together to China, when we get out of here. You should come with us", Soonyoung said.

"No thanks. I don't really have good memories with China", I forced myself to stay calm and not to burst out into tears.

"Oh, okay", Soonyoung saw my reaction and started talking about a new movie, but I didn't listen.

"Minghao, you can go now. Your time is over", the nurse from earlier came back and took my trace away.

"Let's go", I said and stood up.

"We are not finished. You can go, if you are that worried about our baby Chan", Junhui said and the two boys started laughing.

I tried to go back to my room as calm as possible and opened the door quietly.

I couldn't see Chan anywhere, but I could here his voice.

He was crying.

"Chan?", I said and he immediately stopped crying.

"Where are you?", I continued and finally saw him sitting in the small closet.

"How do you fit in there?", I walked towards him, but he stopped me.

"Stop!", he screamed. "Don't come here. Please. Just leave alone"

"No. What happened?", I ignored him and went to him and kneed down. 

"Chan are you bleeding?", I asked him and tried not to throw up, after he whispered some apologies and showed me his wounded arm.

Hey Guys! I am back with another chapter (and another cliffhanger, ahaha)

Finally I finished with this school year and I can chill for 6 weeks! And in three weeks I am going to stay in Turkey for 18 days, but I will try to upload as much as possible!

And for me it is kind of creepy, that Minghao has anorexia in my story and now every Carat is worried about him and his weight.

I hope he knows that we love him a lot (especially me!^^)

See you guys!

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