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There was his blood on my hands. It has already dried, but I didn't had time to wash it away. Until now.
They had finally left me into the bathroom after 20 minutes, so that I can wash the blood away.
Chan's blood.
I felt like I was going to throw up again, while I was rubbing away the redness from my hands.
Somebody knocked at the door.
"Minghao, dude are you okay?", Soonyoung's voice sounded soft and caring.
I opened the door still with wet and bloody hands and saw Junhui and Soonyoung.
Junhui was shocked after seeing my hands and asked me if Chan was okay now.
"No!", I suddenly screamed, letting out my anger I was holding in for so long.
"Calm down", Soonyoung said and tried to touch my shoulder.
"I am not going to calm down! Because of you it happened. You could've went into our room. I told you, that something was wrong. I knew it the whole time, but you guys just laughed about it and-"
"Stop it!", Junhui interrupted me with a calm, but also sharp voice.
And I did so.
I was breathing heavily, while the boys were bringing me into their room.
"Sit down", Junhui's voice was nearly a whisper and he pointed onto a bed.
It was my first time, being in their room, but it excactly looked like mine
"Tell us what happened", Soonyoung said after a long break.
I bursted out into tears and I didn't care if I looked weak.
"Minghao", I could hear Junhui's worry in his voice. He grabbed my hand und squeezed it, and this time I didn't wanted to pull my hand out of his grip.
It actually calmed me down and I stopped crying, but there were still some wet tears on my face.
"I want to go home", I finally said, even though my voice was very shaky.
"We all do, dude", Soonyoung responded and gave me a tissue.
After that we stopped talking and you could only hear a sigh from us one at a time.
Suddenly somebody knocked at the door and opened it.
A nurse came in and said:" Minghao, you have to go back to your room, until dinner"
"I don't want to"
"What why?"
I am scared. I can't go to this room anymore.
"Can we go to the TV room?", Soonyoung answered instead of me.
"I don't know if you are allowed to", the nurse said and shrugged her shoulders.
"How? You are the nurse. You should know that", Junhui responded and stood up, not letting my hand go.
The nurse realized it and smiled:" You finally found somebody, Jun. I am very happy for you"
I started to laugh:" No, no. Sorry, but this is a misunderstanding. We are both boys, we are not dating"
"Whatever", the nurse still smiled and said, that we can go to the TV room.
Junhui finally let go of my hand and we went to the small room with a TV in it, where I saw Junhui and Chan on my first day.
We sat down on the couch and Soonyoung turned on the TV.
We didn't talk, but watched a girlgroup performing a song.

"I am thirsty", Soonyoung broke the silence after a long time.
"Get some water for us, too", Junhui said and we saw Soonyoung nodding his head, while he was leaving his room.
Junhui turned off the TV and turned around looking at me.
I didn't move and still stared at the TV, even though it was dark.
"I like your smile", he whispered and it was the first time, hearing him talking in Chinese.
I didn't know how to respond, and still stared to the TV.
"Minghao,look at me. I want to see your pretty eyes", he lightely touched my face and turned my head into his direction.
I finally looked at me and I could see a soft smile on his lips.
"Junhui, stop", my voice was shaky and my heart was racing.
"Let me hear you once", he said in a quiet voice.
"Speak in Chinese with me once. Let me hear you"
I opened my mouth to speak, but suddenly I heard Soonyoung's voice behind me.
"There were only two bottles le...woah, guys!" , we turned around and saw how he nearly dropped the two bottles.
Well, Junhuis hand had been on my face the whole time and our faces were pretty near to each other.
"What are you doing?", he said and sat down, with a huge gap between us.
"Nothing, we just, nothing", I stuttered and turned my face back to the black TV.
"Yeah...nothing", Soonyoung teased me and pocked my cheek.
"Stop. I told you that I don't like it, when people touch me" , I said and shook my head.
"But when Jun does it, you do. Am I right?", he chuckeled.
"Stop it", Junhui said and turned on the TV.
The two guys started talking about a drama that was now on TV, but I didn't listen nor watch the TV.
My heart was still beating fast and I couldn't properly breath.
My thoughts gave me a headache and in the end there were only two questions that I asked myself the whole time.

Is Junhui in love with me?

And I am in love with Junhui?

Hey, Guys!
I am back with a new chapter and my heart hurt so much, while writing it.
I mean, just imagine Jun flirting with you in Chinese, omg.
Even if I don't understand this language, idc, because Wen Junhui!
Let's see if I'll be able to write another chapter in this week, because I will be on vacation next week!
Bye and see you l8er!
(Btw do you know that predebut video of Seventeen, were Joshua is "angry" at Vernon, because he is :"Building a gap to their relationship"
And Vernon responses with:"Actually your guitar was"
I laughed ten minutes after I watched this Video....okay why am I telling you this?^^)

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