System: Initiating true power.

Gob: What?

System: Master I am sorry but I will take over the control for a few minutes.

My eyes opened and I jumped up.

System(voice of Gob): Let go of them NOW.

They let go of them and they run up to me.

System(voice of Gob): I will eliminate these humans then I will come back.

Wenly: Master wa...

My body jumped up onto the gate then darted at the enemy forces. My body landed on two men whose head has been broken by the landing. my body lifted the two bodies up and used them as shields to block the incoming arrows. The soldiers who got stunned by the sudden event started running at me. I looked up and saw two large incoming fireballs. My body jumped up and kicked the fireballs at the enemy. Many enemy soldiers died in the fire and those who survived were unable to continue the fight. My body landed but as it landed, it thrust itself into the archers. The nearest archer got his arm broken because it was grabbed then the archer was smashed into his comrades.

System(voice of Gob):: Only five left. Four mages and a soldier.

my body kicked off and kicked at the first two mages. They fell back then my body smashed their skills with a jump. The other two mages ran away but they were cut down by the last soldier.

Soldier: Hohoho. You have some skills child.

He dashed at me and slashed vertically. My body luckily could dodge it. But then I looked at him.

Grádo Ovlag (human):

HP: 2560/2600


Exp: 820/3280

Lvl: 40

Grádo: Oh so you have dodged it. Won't happen again.

He stared at me. then he was about to slice again but now he was holding his two-handed sword with his right hand. He swung his blade and it was faster than the last one. My body grabbed it with two hands just in time. Gárdo was giving more and more strength into his push. I heard a slight crack and the blade in my hands got shattered. Gárdo grabbed my head with his left hand and rosed his other arm to punch me. my bod jumped up and kicked him on the face. Due to the unpredicted kick, he lost his balance and while I was in the air my body grabbed his had. Forced it open so it let go of me. And before I landed my body smashed him into the ground. I landed and he grabbed my legs with both of his hands and thrust his legs up. With this manoeuvre, he wanted to kick me in the face. My body blocked this attempt and was holding his ankle. My body kneeled him in the chest and with a forceful pull, he was lifted into the air and with a backflip, my body kicked him.

System(voice of Gob): Not bad pops.

Grádo: WHo are you calling pops, child?

System(voice of Gob): Without your sword, you have no chance against me.

Grádo: Hohoho you are wrong. I have never been able to use my full force because of my sword. I was given this sword by His majesty. It was one of the greatest swords that have ever existed in the empire. HOWEVER. Its durability was so low I wouldn't dare to break it. But now that you have broken it. I CAN FINALLY US MY FULL STRENGTH!

System(voice of Gob):: Hah. If what you have used a minute ago was your best then you are NOT going to beat me.

Grádo: Allow me to demonstrate.

He brought his fist back then thrust forward at high speed. my body didn't block it.

Grádo: "Thunder Fist".

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