Chapter Twenty Two | The Save

Start from the beginning

We sat in silence for another few minutes before I spoke.

"Are you sure you want me here right now?"

"That was Superman's idea, not mine."

I narrowed my eyes, turning my head towards the Dark Knight. "Right now. As in here. The mission we're on. Not the team."

"You need to be monitored."

I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time, my head snapping back towards the skyline. "I'm going to ignore that and pretend that I'm here because I have crucial inside information-- which technically, I do."

"Last thing I heard about Penguin," I began, "was that he had beef with pretty much, well, everyone, including criminals, because he's Penguin, and who likes him, right?"

"Which means," I continued, "he most likely doesn't know that I've gone rogue and work for you Super-Losers now."

If it was in his character to do so, I felt like he was rolling his eyes.

"So," I continued, "I'm thinking, you handle Penguin and his birds, they run away because you're Batman, I follow him, pretending I'm still a criminal, and get the dish on this whole robbery spree. Then, we follow up later on, totally shock him with a dramatic entrance, reveal that I'm a good guy, throw him in Arkham, and bada-bing bada-boom, mission completo."

A beat of silence.

"That's... not horrible."

It took a lot for me not to blossom with pride.

"I used to work with these guys for years, of course it's not horrible."

A shining light caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. It seemed to catch his too, because suddenly he was grabbing my arm and roughly dragging me onto my feet. We managed to just barely jump to the next building before the front of the bank exploded into flames.

A flash of heat ran across my back, momentarily distracting me from my usually flawless flip. My second foot slipped before it could land safely on the other side, and suddenly gravity was pulling me into the alleyway between the buildings.

Alarms and screams filled the air as a gasp passed over my lips.

Then my body stopped falling.

I looked up, eyes undoubtedly wide in panic, to find Bats' hand around my wrist. He pulled me back up onto the rooftop.

I narrowed my eyes, yanking my hand back. "I could've saved myself."

"Right," he muttered as he brushed past me.

I rubbed my sore wrist. "So, you know the--"

I turned around, finding an empty space.

"...plan. Okay then."

I stared at the scene in front of me-- the entire face of the bank was in flames; people were running down the block and a black van was haphazardly parked in the front. Exiting the vehicle was a small, pudgy man in a top hat, followed by two tall red figures with long, metal claws.

There was a familiar sense of comfort from the chaos, but also another feeling I couldn't quite describe. Is this was it always looked like?

I shook my head, turning away and sprinting in the opposite direction.

Hopefully Bats knew what he was doing.

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