The Wedding

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The Wedding



"They changed the venue," Jesper muttered under his breath. "I can't believe this. After all the fancy preparation at the other place, they changed the fucking venue."

    "I still don't get why you're so mad about this," Wylan said from beside him, sounding confused. "It's going to be fine Jes."

    "Is it though?" Jesper asked ominously, leaning towards Wylan to kiss him lightly. Wylan smiled through the kiss and despite himself, Jesper's mood lightened.

    "Yes, it's going to be absolutely fine," Wylan assured him, resting a hand on his arm. "Now drive, before we miss the wedding in its entirety."

    Flashing a wink at the ginger, he gave him a salute before scanning the GPS and taking a right. He scowled as he saw another tree and looked at Wylan again. "But why the woods though?" he whined, his voice taking on a higher tone. "I looked at pictures of it online, and it looks like a - a Satanic mansion, in the middle of the woods. It's ancient. It looks like it belongs to the set of Paranormal Activity 3. And not like, the good Paranormal Activity. The bad one."

    Wylan shrugged, running the hand down his arm comfortingly. "I don't know Jes," he said, giving him a fond smile. Jesper returned it, staring at the ginger freckles that covered his face. Wylan was - no matter what he thought of himself - beautiful.

    "Anyways, we should be here in a few more minutes," Wylan said, looking at the GPS. "And you have no right to complain. You'd expect the Wi-Fi to be spotty or something, but no, it's really good. Like, really good. Where even are the routers?" Wylan twisted in his seat to look around the woods they were currently driving through, and Jesper rolled his eyes at the other boy.

    "Sunshine, I think the point of this location was so they'd be out of a Wi-Fi zone. However horrendous the idea might be." He faked a shudder while taking another turn. "Hey, I think this is the path we have to take. I see other cars."

Soon enough, the two had parked alongside the rest of the cars and were heading toward the massive mansion that the wedding was being held in. There was an ivy-lined path leading them there and delicate fairy lights hung everywhere. Jesper snorted as he saw it all.

    "Rich people," he said, rolling his eyes. Wylan made a face beside him and Jesper cursed as he remembered Wylan's upbringing. "Sunshine, you know you don't count right?"

    Wylan raised an eyebrow at him. "Why not? After everything that's happened, I have inherited my father's empire. I'm rich now. So so ridiculously rich."

    "But you're not as ridiculous as these people," Jesper said soothingly. "As long as you're not the snotty-rich, you're good."

    A blush rose on his face - that beautiful blush Jesper vowed to try to bring to his face at least once everyday - and Wylan leaned forward to gently kiss him. "Thank you," Wylan exhaled against his skin and Jesper smiled, grabbing Wylan's hand in his own.

    "As much as I appreciate the free viewing, I'd rather not," came a loud drawl from behind them and Jesper rolled his eyes, running his other hand down Wylan's back in a comforting way.

    "Kaz, you voyeuristic asshole," he called behind him and the two turned to see Inej and Kaz. For once, Kaz had been pulled out of his almost-mandatory uniform and was instead wearing a suit like Jesper and Wylan were. Inej on the other hand, had on a long gauzy lilac dress that almost flowed behind her in a faerie-like way. It matched her, he decided.

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