Please Shut Up

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"His head has swelled up to the size of a baby bird, no Jesper, he's fine."

"Well excuse me."

"We love you Jes but please don't make dragging unconscious boys into our apartment a habit, it's a tad alarming."

"I wasn't dragging - it's called carrying and while I get that you're jealous your boyfriend can't do that-"

"-shut it Jesper, I can just as easily knock you out with this cane-"

"-you don't have to put it so crudely."

"Look! He moved a finger while you morons were talking!"
"I'm going to ignore the second part of that sentence. You're sure he moved a finger?"
"He's going to be okay. Worst comes to worst, we call the ambulance. Best case scenario, he wakes up, doesn't think we're all freaks and calls the cops on us."

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit indeed my friend. Oh shit indeed. Anyways, I have a class I need to get to. Text me if anything happens."

"I have a class as well. Jes, pass me my bag? Thanks. Bye guys."

"Fuck I completely forgot about the test we missed because of the game we had to go to. Matthias today's the makeup remember?"
"Crap I forgot. Did you study?"

"No. Did you?"
"No. We should probably head to the library before it closes and get to it. Kaz can you watch him?"
A pause.

"Fine but I'd like you to know that if I'm acting as the glorified nurse in this scenario than you owe me a favor."

"Whatever, whatever man I'll just get you a date with Inej-"

"-shut up, and leave while you still can."

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