That was Karma. He loved Karma.

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"DO YOU HEAR THAT?" Kaz asked suddenly, cocking his head to the side. Wylan jumped from his seat next to Jesper and looked at him confused.


"Listen," Matthias shushed him and they all went quiet. There was a distant hummm filling the air and Wylan frowned.

"That's a snow plow," Matthias said immediately. "I'd recognize it anywhere."

Jesper snorted. "Really, Matthias?" he asked making a face at the blonde. "Is now really the time to be pulling snow-rank, because when it c-"

"Shh!" Nina hissed as Wylan hit Jesper's shoulder. Jesper immediately pouted at Wylan, who resolutely ignored it.

"Where's Inej?" Wylan realized after a beat, tilting his head to see the girl gone. The rest of them shrugged, except for Kaz.

"She'll be back," he said simply. "Probably through the front door."
They frowned in confusion and realization suddenly dawned on Wylan. "She's-" he started before Kaz cut him off with a glare. "Alright, that makes sense."

Nina sighed, shaking her head fondly. "Hey where's Paja?" she asked after a beat. Wylan twisted his head around as well and found the girl missing.

"She's either missing or sleeping," Jesper volunteered. "I really don't think finding her's going to be too difficult."

Matthias snorted. "Have you seen her do anything other than sleep or disappear?"

They all collectively pondered it and decided that no, Paja hadn't done anything other than sleep or disappear. "Maybe the Snow Plow will think we killed her," Jesper suggested with a smirk. "Maybe we'll get arrested again?"

Wylan raised an eyebrow and it was probably a testament to how comfortable he now was with them all because of his lack of concern. "I feel like the only reason you'd ever get arrested is because you got really drunk, let your guard down and did something wild."

"It involved pole dancing," Nina informed Wylan smiling, who promptly choked in response. "But that wasn't the first time we were arrested."

"Well," Kaz said looking vaguely amused, "I believe we've been arrested before because the locals hated us."

"Aren't we all technically locals?" Wylan asked snorting. "I mean, you guys were raised in the orphanage so really..." he faded out awkwardly, not sure not to finish the sentence without offending them.

Nina cracked a smile at that while Kaz raised an eyebrow at Wylan. "Oh?" he asked sharply. "Are we a 'we' now?"

Wylan's face flushed and he scrambled for a retort. "Well, considering I've had no interaction with anybody but you guys as well as my friend who's across the Earth for the past seventy-two hours or so, I'm going to go with yes."

Kaz's face distantly mirrored grudging approval as Jesper and Nina made a show of silently applauding him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Wylan jumped, Matthias already heading for the door. Swinging it open Inej followed his large figure seconds later back into the room. "They're coming for us," she told them face flushed from the cold. "I gave them specific instructions and they started paving the path."

Wylan silently began to make her a cup of coffee as she burrowed into Nina's side for warmth. "Here," he said after a couple of minutes. She gratefully accepted the cup and kept it between her hands for warmth, murmuring her thanks.

The hmmmm got louder and Matthias translated. "The snow plow should be here in roughly five minutes," he told them.

"I had no idea you spoke Snow Plow. Fascinating dialect, give me a lesson in it someday?" Jesper shot back sarcastically. Inej shot Nina and Wylan a look that clearly communicated please control your boyfriends. Matthias bristled just as Wylan mouthed back what am I supposed to do? and Nina shrugged helplessly.

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