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HE SWUNG THE MICROWAVE DOOR SHUT and to his absolute horror, it swung straight back at him and snapped straight off. "They even ruined my microwave?" he muttered, looking at the broken piece of equipment in disbelief. "They ruined my microwave."

Pulling on the roots of his hair as tightly as possible, he scanned the room and took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Even his bed had been ruined - somebody had run a knife right down the middle of it.

Everything was overturned, broken, or undone. His toothbrush had been dunked in something red (that he definitely didn't want to think of) and every photo frame he had painstakingly bought to decorate his apartment had been shattered and thrown onto the ground. Even the painting from Jesper and his date had been torn in half and one part of it was scribbled on in what looked like charcoal.

He took another shaking breath and tried not to cry.

"Alright Wylan, think," he muttered to himself. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he debated his options. "Police, Jesper and the others or... " he trailed off and thought about something Sergie had told him. If you ever need any help...

The mafia would be able to help him, wouldn't they?

"Mafia it is then," he said blowing his breath out. "Okay Wylan, calm down, your apartment might be a total disaster right now but you can work through this. Alright. It's okay."

The words weren't helping and as he uselessly clicked on his power button, he remembered his phone was out of charge.

"God-fucking-dammit!" he suddenly screamed, slamming his phone onto the ruined table. A scrap of something caught in his leg and he viciously kicked it away, hearing a satisfying bang as it smashed against the wall. "God fucking dammit," he repeated slowly, looking at his ruined apartment again. "God fucking dammit."

A hot rush of water filled his eyes and furiously he pinched a bit of skin, looking up to try to stop them. "You stupid-" he started, raking a hand through his eyes furiously. "Stupid, crying, over emotional dumbass."

Leaning against the ruined table, he slowly slid down to the ground and willed himself to stop crying. Pinching his eyes, he raked his hands over them again viciously and tried to think of the next step.

"Alright, you need to plug your phone into charge," he started, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. He would not cry. "Then call Sergie and ask him about...whatever. Then..."

He thought about going to Jesper and the others. They wouldn't refuse to let him in (Inej and Matthias would probably force them to accept) but he couldn't put that on them, especially after the seventy hour fiasco that had just taken place.

"Oh?" Kaz had said. "Are we a 'we' now?"

Yeah, he couldn't ask them for help.

"Sergie it is," he decided, grabbing the top of the table to pull himself up. His legs ached and his eyes still burned with unshed tears. His own voice was clammy and he needed to sleep. "Tomorrow. I'll put my phone to charge and then I'll grab a spare linen or something and sleep on the ground."

Taking another deep breath, he quietly padded to his bedroom and hunted for some extra linens. Pulling a couple out, he looked around for something soft and when he couldn't find something, took his pillow and blanket with him. Dumping them on a bit of space he'd cleared out earlier, he looked around for his charger (which was hanging on the towel rack - he bit his lip so hard blood began to seep down it) and plugged it into an outlet, joining it with his phone. It vibrated to life, and he left it there.

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