Are We Being Shot At?!

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Wylan jolted awake. "Are we being shot at?" he yelled desperately to Paja. Matthias wasn't anywhere in his immediate sight and he was still exhausted. The world was blurry.

Paja blinked. "Nope, go back to sleep," she shouted in response. "Just some idiots at the door."

Wylan nodded and rested his head back onto the table (he would later wonder how he moved from the counter to being seated on the warm chairs with his head resting on the table top, but until then he was fine where he was) and tried to sleep again.


"LET US IN!" Somebody from the outside shouted. Wylan frowned. It sounded really familiar. "It's below zero out here and my ass is frozen!"

"No!" Paja shouted back. "I'm not letting in any random strangers!"
Wylan paused and tiredly raised his head up again, thinking about the voice. "Hold on Paja, I think I know who..." he trailed off as the insistent banging got louder somehow.

"WY-LAN!" Another loud voice boomed. This one sounded like... Nina? "MATT-HIAS! ANSWER YOU LOSERS!"

"Well now we're even less likely to let you guys in," Matthias grumbled from somewhere behind him. Wylan started and he realized that Matthias had been in one of the tables behind him the entire time.

"Wait guys!" Wylan interrupted. "Guys, I really think that their not serial killers but actually-"


"Are you going to let them in anytime soon?"
Wylan, Matthias, and Paja all twisted their heads to see Inej standing in the hallway leading into the bathroom casually, smiling as if she had been there the entire time. "How long have you been here?" Paja asked concerned.

Inej shrugged. "Not too long. Only about... oh, ten minutes?"
Their eyes all got even larger and she hid a small smile. "I'm joking," she reassured them. "It's only been around," she checked her watch, "nine minutes. So really, basically ten."

"Inej are you-" Matthias started.

"Hold on - if you're here," Wylan interrupted Matthias' next words. "Who's outside?"

Inej hid a smile carefully. "Oh, only an angry Kaz, Nina, and Jesper who've been standing there for a good fifteen minutes in the snow to make sure you guys are alright and not murdered/frozen to death."

"Fuck!" Matthias jumped up to his feet and rushed to the door, desperately trying to loosen the door. "It's not our fault the door won't op-"

The door swung open seamlessly and they watched in silence as it hit Matthias in the face and brought him down with a loud thud.

Wylan winced and twisted around the table to see Jesper and Kaz casually step right over his body and hurry into the cafe. Nina was the only one to shut the door and actually help him up. It would have been a nice gesture, but she was cackling so loud it made the action less significant.

"So who's idea was it to lock us out for fifteen minutes?" Kaz demanded loudly as Jesper's eyes scanned around the room. Wylan's cheeks burned red with embarrassment and he fought the urge to slip under the table and hide.

"Technically it was all Paja and Matthias' fault," Wylan blurted out. "I was sleeping."

Jesper, Nina, and Kaz all looked at Inej, who nodded sagely. "It's true."

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