Put Many a Maiden to Sleep

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    He'd been staring blankly at swirled words and empty pieces of paper before Kaz's phone buzzed. He jumped instinctively.

    "I thought the Wi-Fi was supposed to be down?" Wylan asked, confused.

    Kaz nodded and looked at his screen. He frowned. "We have exactly five minutes. Wylan, I need to you take your phone out and call Jesper."

    Bemused, Wylan pulled his phone out and called his boyfriend. In a few seconds, he could hear Jesper's also confused 'Sunshine?' from the other side of the phone.

    "Hey Jes," he greeted. "Kaz's orders - I promise calling you comes with a reason."

    "Y'know, a perfectly plausible reason would just be to hear the angelic baritone of my voice," Jesper offered, and Wylan made a face as his cheeks began turning their familiar red. "I've been told it's put many a maiden to sleep."

    "Can we continue with your godawful flirting when it's not three in the morning or something?" Kaz demanded, glaring at the two of them. "I need a status update."

"In the bushes," Jesper said immediately. "Watching Nina try to be a large, white man. She's already white, so now she's puffing out her chest and trying to look like a dude. It's a bit amusing, actually."

    Kaz sighed. "Regardless, I need you to start transitioning servants back into the house now. Start as soon as possible - do you think that's something you can do from where you are right now?"

There was a few seconds pause - probably as Jesper tried to gauge where they were - before Jesper finally answered. "I can already see obvious unrest from my bush vantage point," Jesper said. "Give it a few more minutes - we'll have the guards so riled up, they won't be doing anything. Then we can begin working on the servants around the house."

"Okay," Kaz said. "Hurry. This plan relies on everybody doing their part at the right time."
    Jesper made an awful finger-gunning noise. "Wylan?" he asked, a tone of insecurity creeping in.

Wylan immediately responded. "Yeah?"

"Bye, sunshine," he said. "I... "

"I love you," Wylan said quietly to him, despite knowing full well Kaz could hear him. "You don't have to say it back, but know that I love you, and according to Kaz's urgent face, I have to go now. But I love you."

Jesper sucked in his breath, but before he could respond Wylan cut the call and took a deep breath.

He smiled.

"I hate to interrupt young love, but we need to get back to work if we ever want this plan to work."

"Oh shut up Kaz."


    There were a lot of things Nina envisioned she'd have to do for college, but impersonating a large semi-middle aged white man in order to rile up a small army of other large semi-middle aged white men so they wouldn't do their jobs and could therefore be distracted into allowing the managerial staff at the Van Eck manor to return to the manor to save her friend who was being imprisoned and bullied by his corrupt father was not one of them.

    And Jesus Christ, was that a mouthful.

    "Sir! Er, what did you say your name was again?" a random man asked, and Nina shot her head up, focusing on the situation again. She just had to get them a little angry at each other. She'd spread drama around the high school per Kaz's evil bidding for fun all them time. She could do it here no problem. It would just take a little time.

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