It will be a wonderful eulogy

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They had spent a total of three hours and forty-seven minutes stuck in the damn elevator, waiting listlessly for somebody to fish them out.

It had taken Inej ten minutes to pull them out.

Apparently Kaz had come up with the plan, using the ingenious idea of wrapping a rope around a thick cable wire that hung from one of the elevators four sides. Because Inej was apparently one of the best acrobats in the city (Nina disagreed - Inej was better than some Olympic gymnasts) she had volunteered to go down the shaft herself, stringing it safely around one of the thick cable wires and pull them out, one by one. They hadn't thought the hole on the top of the elevator which was their only exit out was large enough to pull people through, so that was where a grateful Wylan had come in. Volunteering his acid, a large enough hole to fit a Matthias and possibly a Jesper was created and the three of them safely got out.

The only problem now was the fact that the three of them were now on top of the elevator, rather than in it. Inej had told them the only way now was to climb up the thick sturdy cable wires hanging from the sides of the elevator keeping it latched. Matthias and Wylan had taken one look at it and refused.

They would stay on the top of the elevator for a while.

At the very least, it had better lighting. (Actually it was poor, but definitely better than the pitch black elevator).

Nina on the other hand, was looking at the cable wire like she was seriously considering it.

"It's the only way," Inej said casually as she slipped down the wire for the seventeenth time. "I've talked to Kaz and he agrees. In order to get out of the elevator, you must climb the cable wire."

Wylan looked at it surreptitiously. It looked exactly like it did in the movies.

The cable wire was thick and sturdy, resembling a stereotypical rope from gym class. The downside was that Wylan had never learned to climb that rope, and apparently Matthias hadn't either. The blonde was currently eyeing the four sides of the elevator and the long empty space underneath it - meaning they would face a long drop down if they fell of the rope, or it snapped.

Nina sighed. "I'll climb the damn cable. Inej, you're sure it will hold?"

Inej arched an eyebrow. "Have I ever lead you wrong?"

She considered this for a while before clamping both hands around the rope, squeezing tightly. Wylan unconsciously flushed red as he yet again remembered the humiliating scene only a few minutes ago. Quickly he tried to change his mind and focus on his impending death.

Nina began pulling herself up the rope slowly, gradually getting higher and higher toward the nearest available floor. There, Kaz was apparently, hand outstretched and ready to pull up anybody going up the rope.

Matthias and Wylan squinted as she eventually disappeared from sight, body blurring into an unseeable image. Inej dropped her gaze as well, examining Wylan and Matthias closely. He resisted the urge to squirm. It was an oddly Kaz-like thing to do.

"So you're Jesper's friend?" Inej asked suddenly, outstretching a hand. "I apologize for not having more of a formal introduction but considering the current circumstances..." she trailed off, Wylan nodding with understanding.

"Wylan... Eck," he responded, hesitating the slightest bit. It was harder to lie to Inej, a girl with such an open face. "And yeah, Jesper's the one that saved me from the evil stop sign."

Inej smiled at that, pointing vaguely to the remaining bump on his head. "Evidently not," she said with the tiniest bit of amusement. "Are you okay?"

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