Don't Offer To Play At Mafia Weddings

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Wylan kept the phone underneath his head, keeping it secure between his shoulder and head. He was sorting through his closet while trying to find an outfit nice enough to wear at a rehearsal, yet not the wedding itself.

"Yeah," came Jesper's voice through his phone. "I found a tuxedo. You?"

Wylan nodded before remembering that Jesper couldn't see him. "Yeah, I have a suit," he said distractedly. "Anyways, the rehearsal is in like, fifteen minutes and-"
"-I'm at your door," Jesper responded instantly. Wylan sighed and put his phone away abruptly, not even bothering to say goodbye. Seconds later the door swung open and Jesper sauntered through, throwing himself into Wylan's bed and ignoring the red in Wylan's face.

"I need better locks," Wylan muttered as he turned his attention back to his suits. "And I also really need an outfit good for a rehearsal. Jes, what are you wearing?"
He turned his head to see the boy looking ridiculously good in a simple set of jeans and a t-shirt. "Uh Jes," he managed, cheeks turning red once more. "I don't think that's the dress code."

Jes smiled at him innocently, battering his eyelashes and somehow pulling it off. "What," he said pouting, "I don't look handsome?"

Wylan turned back to his closet and chose not to dignify that with a response. "I'm going to go with this," he finally said, pulling out a nice outfit he reserved for dinner parties. Shutting the closet, he turned around to see Jesper still lying there. "Jes, you have to go."

"But do I?" Jesper lazily lifted his head and gave Wylan a half smirk. "I'll see it all eventually." He winked seducingly at Wylan while his own cheeks went bright red, blending in with his hair.


After shoving the much taller boy out (while still laughing - Wylan suspected Jesper hadn't been trying to stop him) he pulled on his own clothing before wrapping a casual tie around his neck and getting out of the room. Jesper was waiting patiently outside the room and his eyes traveled through Wylan's body deliberately, slowing down purposely at his hips. Wylan tensed, his cheeks tinging pink with purpose.

Finally he smiled, a dark one filled with promise.

Wylan tried to avoid looking at his face in general.

"Let's go," Jesper finally said motioning with his head to the car. "We have... ten minutes before the bride or groom kills us, and seeing how it's a mafia wedding rehearsal that is entirely possible."

The tension cracked and Wylan let out a burst of laughter. "At least it's going to be interesting," he offered to the other boy as they made their way to the car. "And do you think we'll have time to stop for coffee?"

Jesper's look made him rethink because if Jesper thought it was a good idea, then it was probably a bad one.


"You're late!"

Wylan flinched and Jesper protectively wrapped a hand around his shoulder. They both sent confused looks to the best man of the wedding (upon further research, Wylan had learned that his name was Vasily and he was primarily Italian).

"We're late by," Jesper checked his watch, "twenty-two seconds. To the rehearsal."

Vasily nodded. "Exactly," he said exasperatedly. "We cannot be twenty-two seconds late. We have to be twenty-two seconds early."

Wylan raised his hand. "But what would be the point of that?" he asked. "Wouldn't the twenty-two seconds be caught up on something else?"

Vasily nodded vigorously, throwing his hands up in the air and almost hitting Jesper. "Exactly!" he said pointing at Wylan. "There is the point I have been trying to make!"

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