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My mind is a garden
And you are the gardener
We work in perfect harmony.
You bring me water and let the sun kiss me,
And my fruit is yours for the taking
Whenever you please.

Sometimes the water is too much and I am too rooted to move.
The sun tries to help me
Soaking the water like it's her first taste.

You drown me.

You come to apologize with hands crafted by greed.
How badly I want to decline, but you promise you didn't mean it.
How am I to know your tongue is like the snakes
If you keep scaring them away?

My fruit is bitter on your lips.
You spit it back at me.
We'll never be the same,
And you've given up on me.

The weeds grow over like skyscrapers.
The only water present is my tears.
Even the sun no longer soaks them up,
Hidden behind the clouds like a scared child.

I have forgotten this garden is mine.
My existence hasn't always been dependent
On another passing gardener.
I'll regrow again,

This time perfect
And too wild too tame by mediocre hands.

     - ZP/ CT

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