Heart to Heart

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Tisha went on a trip down memory lane her mind journeying through the lyrics of Chris's discography; as she came to heart to heart she felt as if she was 14 years old again. She remembered when he wrote it; it was the 21st May 2003 her birthday- they were just chilling along Ticknor's creek. He was about to fly to New York to meet with some more executives, she remembered how he smelt- like good axe spray- he had foregone the braids and also the rapping aspect of his budding music career; goodbye C-Syzle - hello Chris Brown. 

She remembered just how perplexed he was when he was explaining that they no longer wanted him to go by the name of C-Syzle;

" My name is so plain and like corny Tish- like Chris Brown; I literally know three guys with my name and they don't live that far from my block." His voice was filled with nervousness; although Chris was outgoing he still wasn't that confident. It had taken ages for him to finally start smiling in pictures that was after Miss. Tina said he had a beautiful smile, she had also told him that he was extremely good-looking.

 Tisha had weird vibes about Miss Tina; they had met in Virginia in Richmond to be exact in a really expensive restaurant called The Chefs - more so she had run into them when going to visit her aunt who just happened to be the head pastry chef. The aim was to obtain an internship and further improve her craft; not that Chris didn't tell her he was meeting with his Manager- he had just left out the location. Not wanting to disturb she tried to tiptoe past them as they sat discussing potential avenues for Chris to push his music; namely Showcases and Community Colleges along with some High Schools in the area; Who's Girl is That was gaining local buzz and she wanted to capitalize off it.

It was Chris who gave her a wide smile and gestured her over; conversation was light and pleasant- but it didn't stop Tisha from observing how Miss Tina was low-key rubbing her leg against Chris's or how her eyes seemed just a little lustful. But she pushed that to the back of her mind Miss Tina was at least 30 years old- there's no way she wanted Chris like that. 

It was years later when he disclosed that yes- Miss Tina did consider Chris more than just cute; in fact, she had her way with him. He just didn't want to say because he was trying to protect her - also he had liked it a bit; he was just confused. It had occurred when he was 16; Miss Tina was travelling with him all of the time and she was really nice- like a momma but not quite.

Truth be told she had been taken aback by her attraction to Chris, she did try to create space but that was hard when you were travelling with him all of the time. Even when Miss Joyce couldn't be there; he was developing abs- his face was chiselling out ever so slightly and he was a good listener- she knew that he found her attractive; she understood that part of that came from pubescence but it didn't stop that night from happening. 

It was November 29 th 2005 and the self-titled Chris Brown had just been released; Run It! had blazed up the charts and all projections were looking great. It was time for the world to met Chris Brown; it was also the day she lost her mother there were so many emotions going through her mind at the time.

Chris had walked into her office a bag of nerves just looking for reassurance; she had given him a pep talk and a good hug. Somehow that hug morphed from something innocent into something pretty much illegal; it wasn't like he was fighting her off- in fact, he was just as aroused as she was he returned the kiss that had spontaneously morphed from an innocent kiss on the cheek to a peck on the lips to a tongue kiss. His lips were soft and so were his moans; he smelt good in his Perry Elis - she had picked that cologne out for him- her ex-boyfriend had used it all the time. She knew very well that Chris was a very hormonal teenager with the length of time it took for him to get out of the bathroom on the tour bus. She knew it was all wrong but it felt right; Chris had been intrigued by her being well- grown. 

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