The snake's venom

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She adjusted her seat; for some reason office chairs always seemed to be a little too short, call it the curse of being six foot four. "And gorgeous" she uttered as she caught a glimpse of herself in her compact. Oh yes Janice Pollen was definitely gorgeous ; in the late 80's to noughties she ruled runways in New York , Paris and Milan, she was the face of Versace , the cover girl for Vogue ; they called her the face and the face she was for a decade of teen girls and young women. Her eyes were an exotic mix of green and hazel , her lips full , nose slender and sprinkled with freckles ; her skin was olive and glistened in the sunlight; her hair long and honey blonde with buoyant curls. But hey the devil appears as an angel of light.

She stood and adjusted her navy blue power suit; it clung to her curves nicely revealing just the right amount of cleavage, she was going in for the kill and it would be swift and deadly. ..

Unfortunately I was her prey once more, our eyes locked and my stomach promptly did a flip flop; "I'm impressed with you Jai, not only did you get a solid magazine interview , but now you've managed to set the tone for a steady stream of interviews, he is definitely attracted to you there is no denial of it now, judging by the footage I saw, you make good prey my dear. "her smile is broad and sinister , her eyes seize me up." Look all I did was be professional and all he did was be nice and give a good interview, I'm a professional ma'am not prey." "Well, well, well our favourite R & B bad-boy gives you some attention and all of a sudden you have a spine what did he do hmm did he cop a feel ,give you a kiss?" her tone is taunting and the words are unfortunately true I reply defensively: "And what if he did , didn't you send me in as bait , well I reeled him in didn't I?" she cocks an eyebrow, her words are laced with a pleasant shock; "So he did kiss you didn't he, he couldn't help himself could he, tell me baby girl..did you like it?" I felt my face flush, my words are sly and slick; "I don't kiss and tell."

The snake is amused with me ; Jesus is still weeping and I well; I am still trying to piece it all together . "I like what I'm seeing Jai, now I don't know if you've realized but you have some very nice assets ; her eyes are suddenly fixed on my chest , the stammering begins from there; "N-no I'm not going to go out there like some kind of heathen or video vixen, I-I-I'm a child of the lord and his word sa-" her reply is swift and cuts right through my bull: " Girl you and I both know that you want to, stop lying to yourself the day you accepted this job offer you knew your holy days would have to be numbered ,quit being a prude and show off the tits; his eyes were all over them during both interviews, we are going to give you a slight wardrobe update, you're a plain old Volkswagen now, but we'll make you a Chevy. Get it through your head ; you are our bait and this story will make your career or break it." her words are laced with a venom and spoken so bluntly that it jolts me.

I can't recall how I got to this place; I mean I do recall the eagerness I had when I was accepted into the Mass Communication programme at St. Luke's Community College, back then I dreamt of a simple life, interviewing farmers and doing light hearted news stories. I was the youngest girl in my class ; I was swift and good with my investigative journalism classes . I had a bubbly personality that put local celebs at ease before I knew it an interview with Chante Moore put me on to the map , an internship with J-14 and four internships later, I winded up with a permanent position at Shine On , at that time the snake didn't seem so snake like and life was simpler.

A message on my phone jumps me back to reality , I was at my desk finishing up the details and editing on an interview that I had done with a small local girl group ; they called themselves Mischas Child ..the inspiration was glaringly obvious but again I digress.  

@chrisbrownoffical: hey, baby face you drove a hard bargain and I'm taking you up on it, i'll be performing at Drai's tonight , if you can make it then me and you can start this interview thing.

I jumped in my seat, my heart fluttery ; my head light and my stomach queasy. I took a deep breath 

@jaifromshineon: I'll be there for sure, I hope you'll be ready

@chrisbrownoffical: I will be , but will you

I pondered this , would I really be ready, no scratch that would I ever be ready for the twists and turns that this career would hold for me? What if I lost my soul trying to gain the world. I was tangoing with the devil and there was definite uncertainty in my life choices, this made me shiver . " I guess all good girls go bad" I muttered to myself; the rosary beads around my neck now burning a hole through my heart. 


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