Prayers & Liquor

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I found myself praying a lot on the plane; almost as if I was pleading with god to not set me on fire right there and then in the seat. I had never been to a bar much less a hot and sweaty nightclub in Las Vegas but things change I guess, my prayer book had been well read; my pocket devotions had been done and I was playing my gospel music. It was like my soul needed a cleanse before I threw it into the devil's playground. I was torn once more however I was determined to complete this task, perhaps I needed to prove myself to myself. My alleluia chorus was rudely interrupted by the ringing of my cellular phone;the number was not familiar.

But the voice was; " How far are you from Vegas sweetheart" his voice was raspy and smooth, it sent an unexpected shiver down my spine and bought a wetness to certain regions. "I'll be landing in approximately an hour and a half." my voice was poised , professional and shaky." I can't wait to see you ." his voice was so damn seductive; I sat back in awe of how my first kiss somehow managed to come from Chris , "It's going to be a good interview." the aim was of course to be the epitome of composed but the quivering of my lips didn't help much. "Aight then i'll be waiting on you baby girl." "I'll see you there" was my almost wisphered reply.

The smell of liquor hit me hard as I entered the crowded club ; the urge to pull my dress down continuously could not be resisted , the thing was short ,tight and showed cleavage. I could also mention that it was sparkly but that would only serve to remind me of how the snake persuaded me to put it on in the first place. It shimmered under the lights , I must admit it was pretty and shiny and sparkly in fact I would have loved it ; if it didn't show all the goods; the men gazed appreciatively I wanted to sink into the floor. I shuffled through the crowd ; flashing my plastic covered media pass high above my head. I thanked the lord for the big burly bodyguard that eventually rescued me from the haze of hot and sweaty bodies, loud music , liquor and smoke.

He lead me to the front of the stage to join the rest of the press; the atmosphere was tense filled with yellow journalist looking for their next big story-kinda like how I was supposed to be doing just -you know more blatant. Thinking of my expert deception made me feel queasy and simultaneously led to my dry throat; my eyes gazed longingly at the golden substance which seemed to glow in the dark, it spoke to me it's words laced with honey- "Just one little sip can't kill.." my mind flirted with the thought until the hot stage lights came on; it was show time in more ways than one.

His body moved across the stage in smooth , fluid motions; I couldn't help but to observe every muscle , as it flexed and contorted -his voice raspy ,raw,boyishly sweet and commanding. I now understood the magic of Chris the performer ; I myself had become completely entranced by it.

I had also gotten lost in his smile, his eyes-his bulge-his everything just overtook me; I was definitely aroused ; stirred and heated. My mind was no longer as it once was, inhibitions had long taken a nice  trip to another time and place. I wanted to eat him alive; forget the interview I wanted him to my damn self.This train of foreign thought continued on until the show drew to it's close; the curtain close had occurred and I was tossed furiously back into reality.  

Reality gave me one hard punch to the stomach; I felt the acid bubble as my dry throat returned. My mind was cloudy- knees knocking and vision blurred. I had never experienced that level of sexual attraction before; it was exhilarating but uncomfortable.

"Get it together" I muttered sternly to the disheveled reflection of myself in the mirror; I quickly cleansed my face and brushed my hair- I hummed hymns while I did this ; to chase the demons out of course. Sexual attraction of that magnitude could only be attributed to demonic powers or so my naiive  mind assumed. The thought of talking to him backstage made me both giddy with nervous excitement and hot with horny passion. Jesus shook his head ; the angels yelled out "Oh nooo" and the priest would've been ashamed , but I was too busy being hot and bothered to overthink such scenarios.

The dressing room was a spacious one; I felt ashamed of myself for wishing it to be more cramped; I wanted to be near- I was hot bothered and very very horny. I watched him in silence allowing my eyes to free reign to roam all over his body. He was definitely a tall man; slender in structure but muscular in build- his tattoos were like a map and my eyes followed their trail- for such a supposedly dangerous person, there was an awful lot of comic and anime characters permenatly inked onto his flesh. His movements were swift, smooth and athletic as he enjoyed an unguarded moment of dance; his voice surprisingly smooth as he began to sing a familar tune: " Baby when we're grinding I get so excit-" The song ceased abruptly as he slowly spun around a mischievous grin planted on his face; I felt my cheeks become intensely hot .

" I see you enjoyed the show"his tone was playfully seductive , he definitely knew that I was watching him and he enjoyed his effect on me. " You're a very talented performer Chris" I kept my tone crisp, clear and blunt; couldn't have him knowing that I was so easily caught a girl had a story to get and virginty to maintain. He walked towards me at an agonizingly steady pace; my heart was thumping so hard that I had to check to see if my ribcage was doing it's job- thankfully it was ; my rapid heartbeat had not caused any bone damage and I was quite pleased to know that; I was also biting my lip ; my dress straps had somehow become off the shoulder and my supple breasts decided to say hello. His eyes gazed appreciatively at the sight; his smile annoyingly sly -his walk clearly fuled by my obvious attraction.

" I like your tits" , his voice was firm and commanding the man knew he had me weak ; his attraction to my arousal only aroused me further; much to my dismay. " Tell me more about what you like" it took me a moment to recognize my voice; for one thing it was silky and confidently seductive and for another it lay my passions wholly bare. 

He chuckled at me with one eyebrow playfully raised; his words delivered smooth as butter-" Make me". 

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