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I gently stretch; before wiping the drool off of my face, my night's dreams had been sweet and sleep was something I had been missing for a while. A journalist's life much like the life of an artist could be very draining with some very long nights and even longer days.  I took my time to take in my surroundings, hmm I'm in outer space it seems. As I gaze around further I see a rather delightful sight a tall, toned male with tattoos all over his body, his eyes are an intense brown his hair sitting like a fluffy puppy on his head, lips full. He reminded me of Chris Brown no lie.

(It is clear that it was indeed him but I take a long time to wake up on mornings; plus I'm very forgetful)

Suddenly my brain clicked into gear; I let a warm smile escape my lips

"Morning Christopher"

"Christopher? you calling me by my government name now" his eyebrows had playfully arched on his face which seemed to light up with my awakening, on further examination he seemed a little nervous it was cute but extremely surprising. His feelings for me truly couldn't be hidden, somehow I had awakened in a slightly aroused state maybe it was the surge of endorphins from knowing that he did indeed have a crush on me which caused my next statement to exit my lips.

"I'd honestly rather call you papi."

The eyebrows both rose - his face a vision of genuine shock and thinly veiled arousal; I gazed at him hungrily somewhere between last night and this morning my guilt train had missed its usual place within my mind and since it hadn't taken its regular seat I found myself more reckless than ever. His eyes were meeting my hungry gaze fixated on my lips, then my breasts, my thighs & my lady bits in that order. He definitely wanted me..

My mind was in a bind; as an experienced guy I knew that Jai would regret what we were about to do the next day, I could tell that she was just sprung off of the fact that a good-looking and desired male was interested in her. I could also see from that look in her eyes that she was ready to be sexed, the intensity of her sexual repression spilling over from the way she was unconsciously biting her lips and running her hand over her breasts. She needed both Christopher and Chris simultaneously - I'd be doing her a disservice if I didn't service and I'd be scaring her for life if I tainted her; she needed a release but not sex - she'd never forgive herself for giving away her virginity to a man of the world like yours truly

I gave her a smirk," you turning into a little freak on me"

She shyly grinned her words barely above a whisper,"I've never even been kissed.."

I raised an eyebrow, knowing that I did at one point kiss her

"Like you might have copped a feel and stuff but that was just to prove a point, I don't count that as a kiss- it was just a tease."

I found myself taken a back with her depth of understanding; clearly her naiivete wasn't as strong as first thought.

"I can tell that you want me to touch you babyface"

Her face turned red, the embarrassment was clearly setting in.

"I do, but I'm scared, you're a ladies man Chris I know that you know your stuff. I don't even know how sex works, I'm just attracted to you"

Her honesty and clear vulnerability did something to me; I saw the raw urges in her eyes. She was contradicting herself her body desiring for me to hold on to her and do all kinds of naughty things; but her mind constricting herself.

"I'm not going to take advantage of you, I want to have sex with you; but that's cause I'm horny baby. Girl you have no idea how attractive you are to me, I like you Jai."

Her voice was small and her eyes on the verge of tears as she stumbled out of bed.

"Why do you like me?"

Instinctively I pulled her into my arms, placing her head on my chest so she could hear my racing heartbeat.

Softly I uttered; "Your smile lights up the room, your body is on point- but that's not why I like you. It's your intelligence, your aura of gentle care, your innocence; you have substance Jai." You haven't even been in my life that long and already I feel inspired to be better."

Her eyes peaked up into mine searching to ensure my honesty, before she tiptoed her lips slightly parted. I leaned down to return the favour allowing my lips to gently caress hers, this kiss wasn't meant to be sexual even as our tongues collided. She was clumsy at first but she caught on quickly, I could hear her heart pounding , feel the rawness of her feelings.

I caressed her body, melting into her embrace not because I wanted to sex her; more so because my feelings were unfortunately just as raw. I felt like 15 once more, like the teen that wanted a wife and children. She had struck a nerve.

We pulled away slowly, hearts still racing.

"You kiss really well for someone who's never been kissed."

She stumbled back into my chest; her face flushed and knees knocking.

"I- I-I guess"

Gently I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her forehead.

"I want to get to know you Jai"

"Know me how?"

"I'd like to court you"

"I- have a boyfriend"

" No you have a friend, you have no feelings for him, look Jai it's easier for us both if we don't play ourselves"

" So you really want to 'court' me; you know that means no sex right?"

"I'm aware babygirl; believe it or not I spent most of my younger days in church."

She gazed at me quizzically

"Chris you're accostumed to having sex regularly, I don't want to make it awkward for you. We are from two different worlds"

His eyes looked at me with a passionate honesty

" I'm willing to try something different, I'm tired of flings and golddiggers & I'm tired of the insanity which is my life. I want to change Jai, I need to change."

"So can I court you?"

Her smile couldn't be hidden


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