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I watched her as she sat; busy typing stories for Shine On- she has a way of typing that's so damn sexy yet demure.

Jai is definitely not what I was accustomed to dating; there's no drama of any sort with her- no fights in clubs( she's a homebody) no beefing on Instagram ( too busy listening to sermons online or meditating) . No scheming , no huge urge to make a huge bank or get the bag. She was well.. normal.

Blogs on insta really didn't know what to make of it; she was younger than me by nine years but still very much legal. Not a siren like Robyn had become, not an actress making a name for herself like Karruche. She was just a young journalist. The kind of girl you'd expect a Corbin Bleu type to be with or even a young pastor to be with. She gave Tamera Mowry vibes and it was so intriguing to me.

Some blogs took to warning her; saying that she was such a sweet girl and she could do better than a woman beating, bipolar,possessive R&B bad boy like me. Like how Miss Wendy Williams was right now - I watched as she looked up at the television a brief removal from the articles she was deeply emersed in. Her nose cringled as she let out a hearty laugh.

"It's like they forget that you're also a human being" Her eyes were lovingly gazing at mine at this point; I couldn't help but release the most cheesy grin ever.

"I know you were watching me type Chris; you wanna read what I'm working on?"

Normally I'd find articles well a little bit boring; typically a girl like Jai wouldn't have even been on my radar as girlfriend material more like a good friend kinda like Nessa but more holy- she would've been my go to interviewer; and nothing more- I wondered why as I made my way over to her desk which was teeming with drafted articles scribbled in pencil.

My eyes scanned the screen of her laptop; "The lowdown on lockdown- junviniles and the law."

As I read further I found myself desiring even more information on what it was like for junvinile pennitery inmates; this girl was expanding my mind and I liked it.

"So you doing investigative reporting now?" I couldn't help but beem with pride, my tone was elated raspy as people tend to say about my speaking voice and yet slightly squeaky. That was the sensation of a steadily building excitement. It was amazing, I mean I dated Rihanna we had shows that we did together and my feeling was never excitement like I wanted it to be but jealousy and competiveness. Even up to now I still felt a little left behind in her shadow; although in the beginning I had the better contract , better deals, all of that. But the vitriol of a woman after hurt , you know that urge to just crush that guy. It worked.

I had to find ways to not dwell on it and still feel successful, in a way her elevating caused me to desire the same to keep up I guess. After that I vowed never to date another entertainer; Karruche seemed to be the answer to that but as things go my immaturity and other things was her catalyst to go after her acting career. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that I was still technically more successful than her.

But with Jai these things didn't come into play, although journalism and broadcasting were a part of the entertainment arena it was still like a different world with more normal people who weren't all about making the next number one hit or getting the next number one album the nauseating one upmanship that came part and parcel with being a recording artist and entertainer. Her world was competitive too don't get me wrong,but there was room to freelance, to have relative privacy. No mobs of people following you all around, it's like people knew of Jai Summers; but they didn't desire every detail of her life. She was just required to do her job well and go home.

I guess it was her approach and general demeanor,her Instagram existed yes but it had mostly Bible quotes or life quotes, modest pictures of her in the studio before taping for Shine On! , Memes relating to high school musical, pictures of cats, pictures of graduation. She had received awards but it wasn't the same as if I did.

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