Journey to the past

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Essex High School
Tappahannock Virginia

"Christopher Brown!" The exsasperated teacher almost screeched; Miss Thomas had had Christopher as a student before when he was 5 he was a very active little bugger; who just happened to be extremely helpful, extremely chatty and the center of attention. Unfortunately not much had changed.

Deep down she knew that an intelligent young man lived somewhere inside that big head- but for some reason Christopher was afraid to be smart the Cs he had in algebra could easily be A+s if he wasn't so afraid of being perceived as nerdy, the boy was gifted in Maths much to the surprise of some teachers who thought he was a simple class clown. Miss Thomas knew that the general consensus had shifted when young Mr.Brown was almost booted from the basketball team, in a matter of weeks his Cs,D's and Es rose to As and Bs his art teacher had beemed with pride as he knew that he had potential.

She recalled the conversation she had had with his mother Joyce a lovely woman who ran the local daycare. For some reason she always wore shades when visiting, sometimes there were bruise marks. Miss Thomas gaged that there was abuse but acknowledged that some things known were better left unsaid lest she clamp up and become defensive.

"Chris has just been going through some things you know being a teen and all- but he's an intelligent boy Miss Thomas."

" I know Joyce, the entire faculty can see that especially with the major improvement in grades,do you know that if Christopher put his mind to it he'd be in the advanced maths classes?"

Joyce was taken aback, she knew that her son wasn't dumb but she didn't truly realize just how much intelligence lay dormant. Chris had two major focuses on his mind Basketball and Music. But maybe he could have a good chance at College,his sister Tootie was currently there and doing very well; the family had just acknowledged that Chris would either be a singer or athlete. She wondered if she was somehow doing a disservice by encouraging his singing so much.

"He's a very talented young man as well, began Miss Thomas who had sensed the mother's unease; "I am actually glad that he has basketball and singing to keep him out of trouble Miss Joyce, I prefer him annoying me in the classroom with his singing than in a gang."

She was regretting those words now as he had been singing some witty comeback to every question posed regarding his lateness. His face teeming with mischief and pride at the fact that he had recorded his first demo. The girls swooned as they had leaned forward in their seats; the guys cheered and jeered his fellow teammates and friends. Christopher meant no harm he was just a friendly guy who liked to sing. Acknowledging this she promptly gave him a task to do he hesitated a little clearly a little embarrassed, before merrily handing out the assignment papers.

"Brown!" Yelled the coach as the basketball game intensified ,he was starting point in varsity and he was good; an injury obtained during the day had caused him to be benched but now he was ready as he dribbled and passed the ball with expert precision. The cheers of the crowd rising in crescendo; the cheerleaders giddy with joy - Chris was a definite favorite although he actually wasn't the most popular, he was cute funny and friendly and he recorded a demo in New York.

Latisha was the most excited; she had liked Chris from since preschool; with his high yellow complexion and curly hair. He was always nice to her too unlike some of the other basketball players. Latisha was a little on the chubby side , but sported well maintained hair as she got it permed regularly, a cute smile dotted with braces , mocha complexion and well she made an effort to smell nice.

Chris made her weak in the knees and last week he even sang to her after the game. She could tell that he liked her because he kept blushing around her; although she wasn't the most popular she still kept her style up to date with the babyphat jeans, and t-shirt along with the shades and the fur boots,her hair well laid back with some cute clips and her best perfume on. She was also an entrepreneur in her own right as she baked cookies and cakes and sold them in the holidays;Tishas treats.

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