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"Tick Tock" , "Tick Tock" the sound of the clock resounded through the office only briefly interrupted by the "Click Clack " of high heels or the "Clackitty Click Clack " of keyboards. The snake was in the building and it was serious business at hand. Butterflies were content to somersault in my stomach; I ignored the eyes which were blazing through my skin. The interview had done well for ratings , but apparently it didn't rile up our favorite bad boy enough. The fervent loud whispers of me somehow having a crush on or being involved with Chris Brown danced through the normally still air in spurts. My heart fluttered, my mind spun and my head pounded. I looked to the ground with pleading eyes begging it to simply swallow me up; sadly it was being noble and sparing my miserable life.

"As you will all know fraternizing with our interviewees is frowned upon, and is in fact a strict violation of company code " My eyes meet with the eyes of the serpent as she hisses on further ; " It also makes a young lady seem quite cheap and sleazy , which does not do any favours for our brand" her venom causes me to recoil ; I hang my head in shame .  "However in this case I can see a potential story " I shudder as the hissing serpent smiles sinisterly . Her thin shoulders ease back as she leans contemplatively against a near by table a tapping her well manicured along its edge, she peers at me with hungry eyes , the potential of a sensational tell all causing her to almost salivate. "It seems as if he has a soft spot for you Jai obviously tickle his fancy, an insider close to him told me that his whole demeanor changed after your interview...something about him liking your vibe...I want you to interview him again, get up-close and personal , gain his trust ..let the world see the underbelly of the beast.   

I feel a shiver move through out my body , my heart flutters uneasily ; my soul aches for you see I know the ways of the snake , the potency of her crafted venom and of course the vulnerable position I was in to cross the snakes path was to inject her venom into your bloodstream and I was no fan of suicide. 

"How do you propose I do such?" I say pensively my palms sweaty and chest heavy ; She lowers her tall frame down to my level her green eyes sparkling with glee, the sun reflects off her olive skin and sandy hair, it is no surprise to me that our now friendly serpent had begun her ascension to media mogul as a supermodel; her perfectly formed white teeth are revealed as she smiles at me with an uneasy warmth  that causes my body to tremble. " Well my dear you are young and cute , and you are so naïve that you exude innocence predators like him can't resist innocent girls like you. You shall be his prey." The contrast of her sinister words and sweet tone leave me feeling as if I am choking on my own shallow breaths. The clack clicks and clickittty clacks grind to a halt the air is as dense as smog and the whispers no longer wave through the air . 

Shock has claimed us all as it's unwitting victims , the snake hisses on reveling in the smog and giddy with cynicism; "Don't worry darling we will keep an eye out for you, you're only meant to be dangled , it's up to you if you are eaten alive." The smog is so dense that the victims of shock drown within the sea of disbelief , I the bait can feel my insides churn like  buttermilk as it is being processed; I taste the venom flowing through my vains . I've been bitten and now there will be no turning back.

I don't even recall how I got home, much less how I managed to stomach the mission now at hand; but I do feel my heart pounding and my head spinning as I struggle to piece together my emotions.  Curiosity now grips me and I begin to contemplate the road which has now been crafted for me to follow, is he a predator or a wounded animal; or is he a young boy trapped in a world of vampires and werewolves perhaps the vultures feast on his flesh ...who is Christopher and who is Chris ,these thoughts dance through my mind . The laptop beckons me to sit and research and I respond to it's call .

I am four hours into my research when the ringing of the phone jolts me back into reality , I assault my senses with the smell of my armpits ,  sweat had been dripping down my back in a steady stream , my hair had long surrendered to the humidity of the day and had become quite the frizzy bird nest in the midst of my filthy haze I reach out for the phone putting it out of it's misery . "Hello", I mumble into the compliant device; "Is this Jai Summers?" a mellow female voice replies , the accent is definitely southern ,my mumbling continues : "yes this is she", "I'm Joyce Hawkins calling in behalf of my son , we'd like for you to do another interview with him if it's possible, we've had other offers but he's comfortable with you .." I pause as my mind tries to contemplate who this Hawkins person could possibly be, but it's motherboard had been well scrambled at this time and all I say is: " Well ok sure ".

I make my way into the bath with slow and careful steps, my head is much to light for anything but that. The bubbles are big and bouncy and the water pink , the aroma of vanilla waives through the air ..I turn on my music and the contrast between the calm and serene ambiance of the bubble bath and the thumping bassline of Peaches and Cream is not lost on me , I smile at my playfulness and allow myself to soak in the warm bath.  "Meowwwww" , the sound of my very hangry cat causes me to leap up out of my contented stupor . I glance at Mr. Killjoy venomously , he is unmoved . I inhale deeply as I am forced to face my reality ; I'm a twenty year old virgin , who lives alone with her ungrateful cat and still watches Sesame Street , the snake is right I am the epitome of innocence , this unnerves me as the reality of my new situation sinks in further. 

The likelihood of Chris sizing me up as a conquest makes me uneasy, amused and quite honestly surprised, I laugh out loud a man like that has his type and I am definitely not it , he may see me as a little sister but never as a potential bed notch. I glance at myself in the mirror my wide hips and large behind are balanced out by an ample chest , my sandy brown skin is covered with little blonde hairs , my eyes are brown and radiate childlikeness , my natural hair thick and poofy , I smile and reveal one dimple yes I am cute but quite average . This knowledge gives me a fake comfort as I put on my hello kitty nighty. 

I feed the ungrateful brat, before proceeding to my bed where I turn off my laptop and turn on my phone, the sweet sounds of Mariah Carey coaxing me into a deep sleep.

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