"New boyfriend Care?" He smirked but looked at me questioningly...no not looking at me, sizing me up. My wolf immediately stirred and was ready to go full on protective mode if this dude tried anything.

Carrie simply scoffed, "No, I leave the drama for you...Ryder this is Roy Daniels, he's Zoe's Father..."

I looked at the man.

I was now conflicted, a part of me wanted to walk up to him and shake his hand and get to meet the man who is Zoe's father...but on the flip side of that coin, I could tell the guy wasn't someone I needed to impress.

I'd always wondering what kind of guy would put anything before his child...and here he was.

"Roy, this is our pack Beta Ryder Johnson...-"

"First name basis though." He pointed out quickly.

"Yes...Zoe is my Mate." I finally spoke up in defiance of My Mate's mother as my wolf didn't like her being put on the spot or the fact that this man felt so at ease coming here uninvited to simply pester her.

Usually when I meet someone I tend to acknowledge that's it's nice to meet them, or a pleasure...right now I coudn't find it in me to offer those sentiments...and honestly
The longer I stood here, the more difficult I found it was to hold my tongue.

"Oh...well, the kids done well for herself then." He laughed.

Carrie sighed heavily, "What do you want Roy?"

"Just came by to see how Zoe's doing?"

"She's good." I cut in, "and she doesn't live here anymore so if you want to talk to Zoe I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you called or text her instead of showing up to her mother's home unannounced or uninvited." I said getting more protective of Zoe and Carrie than I had intended to.

"With all due respect Beta Johnson...This is my family so I don't think you have much of a say." He smirked.

"Roy!" Carrie sounded to try and get him to stop.

I stepped forward now "With all due respect to you, as you are Zoe's Father I'll say this once as calmly as possible...but if I have to repeat myself it will be anything but calm and I won't be using my words...Zoe is my Mate and Carrie is her mother...Carrie has been there everyday for Zoe and struggled to make sure she never went without...can you say you've done the same?"

He remained silent.

"Carrie is the best parent Zoe could ever ask for and that's why I consider her family to me too as Zoe and start our life together...I'm very protective of my family Mister Daniels, I want you to know and remember that."

"As you should be Beta..." He sighed and shook his head, "Look... I know I've had my share of mess ups when it comes to Carrie and Zoe, and I wish I could go back and re-do a lot of it...Doesn't mean I don't love my daughter."

"And I believe you...but as her mate I won't stand by and watch Zoe get hurt by someone who's suppose to protect her...Now I won't ask you stay away from her because that's not my place...but, again...try reaching out to her first through call or text, let things be on her terms so she's more comfortable."

He nodded, "Yeah..." He rubbed the back of his head now, "You guys have a number I can reach her at?"

'Unbelievable.' My wolf growled as he was growing impatient with Roy Daniels.

My wolf refused to even acknowledge him as our mate's father.

I didn't even have to pull out my phone to look up her number as I'd damn near memorized it that first night Morgan had given it to me.

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