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                            {•Unedited•}                              ~Idris's POV~

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~Idris's POV~

           "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Zav yells, kicking me in the ribs before I can stand up. Alaric steps out with Ez next to his leg, arms crossed with a intrigued grin. "I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU WITH HER!"  Managing to grab his shoulders, I swing all my weight and strength to my right to get him off, bringing him to the ground beside me.
    He swings a fist up at my face, hitting me square in the jaw. Grabbing my neck he squeezes and drags me back down and picks himself up to his knees. Dirt smears over the both of our faces and covers our clothes from rolling around. He gets on top of me and starts swinging at my face. Now I don't try fighting back or moving, just taking it because I know it's what I deserve and he's right. He did trust me with her and I broke his trust, I deserve his punishment as well as hers.
     "Okay, you're gonna knock him out!" Alaric yells but he doesn't stop. My head starts feeling hot and fuzzy. "Zav...ZAVIAN!" Alaric runs over and yanks Zav off me by the back of his blue flannel. Ez looks at us from the door, arms wrapped around herself as she watches with wide eyes. I force myself to sit up, giving a pain filled smile but it's something and a thumbs up. Yes, your father is a dumbass.
    "Uhh that "luck" is me holding him back," Alaric says, gesturing to himself and his hold on Zav. "So you better give me some Italian dressing later for saving you," he says with a wink. I get up, spitting blood onto the sidewalk. I can feel the side of my face already starting to swell and ache. Alaric lets Zav go, keeping a close eye on him.
"I-I'm sorry about it, man; I really am," I tell him, trying to catch my breath. The wind starts blowing harder, wiping the stray strand of hair in front of my face back and forth. His chest slows it's heaving, hands unclenching. "I love Vina, you know that, and I know she loves me. I never wanted to hurt her purposefully."
"Then what the fuck?! How do you not realize she was feeling neglected?" He asks harshly. He stabs his finger to my chest. "It's your job to make sure she feels secure, it's your job to make sure she's safe. God only fucking knows what would have happened to because of the drugs." I nod, combing my hair back with my fingers. "I don't like seeing my baby hurt."
"I don't like it either, it wasn't my intention to hurt her. I'm stupid, I should have noticed she was feeling that way. I-I also should have just communicated better with her in general from the beginning. Taking my anger out on her was wrong, she doesn't deserve that. I-I want her to be happy," I tell him, rushing everything out so he doesn't cut me off. "I was blind, stupid, and angry; I'm sorry I hurt her, but I would never do it purposefully."
He looks off to the side, chewing on his lip. Alaric finally takes a few steps back and tells Ez she can continue watching the movie inside. She immediately runs off, braids that Alaric must have put in her hair, flying in the air.
"I'm sorry I punched you...a few times, but you can't say you don't deserve it."
"I literally just made a whole speech on why I do deserve it," I say, rubbing my temples. My head is pounding from getting my face beat in. I'll be bruised as hell tomorrow. My mouth still lingers with the gross, metallic taste of blood. I stretch my arms out and gesture then inside. Alaric claps his hand on Zav's shoulder on the way in, whispering something about "keeping his chill."
"Her and Sin...They won't last," he says when I close the door. "Whatever that's going on with them, just wait it out. We all know how Sin is, so does she; she knows he's no man she'd want to be with for long. But you do deserve this separation, it'll teach you to not take that wonderful woman for granted."
"It already is," I say. Ez gets up from the couch and jogs over.
   "Why'd you hit my dad so much?" She asks Zav, looking up at him with her head all the way tilted back. He kneels down to her height, propping his arm up on his knee.
    "Cause your dad is a dumbass."
    "A dumbass?"
   "Don't-Don't say that," I tell her...although it sounds cute as hell coming from a little six year old. He rolls his eyes.
    "Fine, then he's a JACKass."
   "A jackass," she corrects proudly and he gives her a high five.
   "Dear god." Running my hand over my face Alaric laughs behind me.
    "I deserve an explanation to all of this being that I am the one who saved your fine ass right now," he says. Shit. Zav scoffs, sitting down at the table with his ankles crossed in front of him. "I'll fucking kill you if you cheated on her. I don't give shit how sexy you are, I will distort you in so many w-"
    "I would never cheat on her!" I defend myself.
    "Well you almost did," Zav chimes in. Alaric's head snaps around until he spits the bread roller on the side of the fridge where I've been hiding it from Vina. She never uses it, but I think that's because I have it hidden. He stomps over and grabs it firmly, whipping it up and holding it threateningly at his side.
    "You better fucking run."
    "Making my dad proud," he says, swinging the bat my side.
                          ~Vina's POV~

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