t h i r t y t w o

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"what. the. fuck." all eight boys said in sync after seeing the whole scene.

"i need to bleach my eyes" jeongin complained to his boyfriend.

"LEE YONGBOK!!! what are you doing!" woojin scolded the younger who was still in jacksons grasp.

"honestly, im not sorry" felix said with complete honesty in his words.

"why? why? are you not sorry? hes done nothing but hurt you, stalk you, rape you and fucking abuse you! why did you come back!" hyunjin shouted at the aussie who was looking at the older for protection.

jackson just put his hands up in defence not knowing what to do.

"PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON" a pile of clothes hit the two boys in their faces as they scrambled around trying to put something on.

"please explain this lix" seungmin continued in a soft voice.

"youre all so busy with things, chris and woojin are busy with their relationship same with seungmin and jeongin, hyunjin is busy with his job, jisung... i know that you think youre helping but youre not, seeing you is a constant reminder of jackson... i know you lead him to me, no offence jackson"

"non taken"

"and im sorry but who are you two..." felix said signaling to changbin and minho.

"we're friends with jisung and chris just ignore us ok?" changbin said dragging his boyfriend away slightly.

"i came back here because... well do you really think i wouldve lost that much weight in a few days?" the boys stayed silent, "well i didnt! youre all to self absorbed to realise that ive been starving myself for months now, non of you have realised the scars and bruises and burns that were on me even before i was with jackson again, non of you realised any of it! jackson is the only person who has ever given me any type of attention, he makes me feel wanted, UNLIKE YOU BASTARDS!" felix shouted the last bit before storming out of the room, he quickly turned around seeing all 9 of the other boys stood behind him.


not your baby ; jilixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora