t w e n t y n i n e

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"morning baby" felixs body jumped backwards at the words, he opened his eyes to see jisung towering over his bed a plate of food in his hand.

"let me go back to sleep" he groabed as he rolled back over and closed his eyes trying to get at least a few more minutes of sleep.

"nope get up" jisung made felix sit up and put the plate down infront of him, "eat" the slightly older demanded.

"im not hungry" felix replied and gave the food back to jisung.

"you havent eaten properly in days baby, please"

"stop calling me that!" felix snapped, "i said im not hungry ok? im fine i dont need anything, just leave me alone" instead of giving jisung the chance to leave felix got out of bed and threw a hoodie over his body ready to brave the cold of the city.

"where are you going?" jisung asked his voice filled with concern.

"its not like you care just leave me alone ok?"

"baby please i do care just talk to me"

felixs entire body twisted around as he turned away from the door.

"i told you not to call me that im not your baby, im not anyones baby just fuck off ok leave me the fuck alone!"

and with that felix was out the door.

not your baby ; jilixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang