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Beckett, who had begged his parents to let him come, and his parents waited in the car, while Waylin and I headed into the apartment building. I anxiously swung Waylin's house key around my wrist.

"Way," I started nervously, "we're just here to pack up some stuff."

"What do you mean? Where are we going?" he asked as we climbed the stairs.

"Well, um, we're going to stay with the Hills for a little while."

"How come?" he asked curiously.

"Uh, well mommy is...sick. And she needs to get better before we can come home," I explained, hoping that was enough information.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" he asked, pausing on the step in front of me.

I thought for a moment of what to tell him.

"She," I paused to grab his hands and look at him, "she will be as long as she gets the help that she needs."

I watched his expression while he processed what I said.

"Can we still see her?" he asked sadly.

"I'm not sure," I said honestly.

He nodded and we continued up the stairs to our unit.

I slipped his key into the lock and pushed the door open. I told him to wait in the hall for a moment, while I checked the state of the apartment.

Apart from the beer bottles on the table, it looked no different than it did yesterday when she kicked me out.

"Sky," Waylin called, pushing the door open.

"Come on," I beckoned as he entered the apartment.

Her bedroom door suddenly opened, making me jump. I stepped in front of Waylin, holding him behind me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, glaring at me.

"I just came to get some things," I said slowly, watching her closely.

She squinted her eyes, looking at Waylin who was peering behind me at her.

"Get away from her," she told Waylin, who looked at me confused.

I clutched his arms tightly behind me.

"We're just going to grab some clothes, and then we will be gone," I stated calmly.

"To hell you are!" she shouted, "You're not going anywhere with him."

I pushed Waylin back as she approached us. The light from the open door illuminated her frail body. Her eyes were swollen and red like she had been crying and her hair was matted against her head.

Her jaw was clenched as she breathed heavily in my face.

"You really are a worthless bitch," she snarled, drawing her hand back to slap my face.

I closed my eyes in anticipation and her cold, clammy hand collided with my cheek, making a loud sound. The burning sensation made my eyes water and I heard Waylin gasp behind me.

"Come here, baby," she suddenly cooed, kneeling down and opening her arms.

Waylin shook his head and looked at me in fear, tears in his eyes.

"Way," I said calmly, "go downstairs to the car," I instructed.

He hesitated, looking between my mom and me, before running out of the apartment.

A guttural shriek escaped her mouth as she lunged at me, hitting my body with her fists, and knocking me onto the ground.

"Why can't you just do what you're told?" she screamed, "Why do you have to take everything from me?"

I tried to block her arms as she swung them with a force that I didn't think she had in her.

"Momma stop, please!" I begged as I placed my arms over my face.

I cried and let her hit me, knowing that I deserved it for betraying her.

"I'm sorry," I cried, as she continued to scream at me.

"You ruined everything! Why can't you just let me be happy?"

"Stop!" I heard Tony shout as he entered the apartment.

My mom was ripped from me, and I watched through my tears as she thrashed in Tony's grip trying to break free.

"Skylar," he shouted over her screams for him to let her go, "are you okay?"

I slowly climbed to my feet, wiping my eyes and nodded.

"As soon as you calm down, I will let you go," he ordered in a calm voice to my mother.

"No! Let me go!" she snarled.

He was struggling to hold onto her as she wildly moved her limbs.

"Sir," I was startled by the voice that entered the room, "sir, release the woman."

It was a police officer who was joined by a male colleague.

Tony hesitated before letting my mom go.

"You called the police on me?" she screamed, running towards me, gripping my shoulders tightly as she shook me violently.

"No," I cried breathlessly, "I swear."

"You're dead! You hear me!" she screamed in German as she pushed me into the back of the couch, "You are dead to me!"

"Ma'am," the closest officer stated, "you need to calm down and back away from the girl. If you do not calm down, I will restrain you."

Her eyes were wide with rage as she gripped my hair and yanked me down, bending my body over the couch. I yelped from the pain as the officers tried to get her off of me.

"You are dead!" she threatened, as the officer pinned her to the ground, "I wish I had never had you. I should've taken the money and aborted you!"

I stared at her in shock as the officer lifted her up and escorted her out in handcuffs.

"Where's Waylin?" I asked Tony urgently, "Where is he?"

"He's at the car," Tony said breathing heavily, "he's fine."

I raced out of the apartment to find a wailing Waylin in Beckett's arms as he watched our mother being forced into the back of a police car.

As soon as he saw me, he ran into me, almost knocking me over. He gripped my shirt, sobbing into my chest as I tried to calm him down.

"It's okay, we're okay," I cried, kissing his head and holding him so tightly.

The officer drove away while his partner was speaking with our upstairs neighbor. So that's who called the police.

When Waylin had finally stopped sobbing, the officer approached us.

"I'm going to need you to tell me what happened?" he stated, adjusting his belt that held a gun and taser.

I nodded, pulling apart Waylin's deathlike grip on my body.

"Way," I instructed, "wait with Beckett."

"No, don't go!" he cried.

"I'm just going to be right here talking with the police officer," I said, wiping the tears from his face.

I silently thanked Beckett as he scooped Waylin up and carried him over to the car.

I wiped my eyes and turned to face the officer to explain what happened, Tony standing beside me.

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