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It'd been a few weeks since staying over at Beckett's house. My mom was home and back to her habits. I hadn't cut since my episode with Beckett and his dad. Mostly because I was so afraid of someone else finding out. Especially since EJ was sleeping with me again. It was my mom's way of getting the bills paid and her addiction fed, by pimping me out. She needed more, and more frequently, and her one part-time job wasn't cutting it. 

I had given up all hope that she would change. And neither would I. We were cut from the same cloth.

I steered clear of Beckett, only working with him when necessary on our senior project. I was conscious of his watchful gaze whenever we were near each other and I was getting pretty good at not looking at him at all. It hurt less and meant that I could avoid his pity and concern, whether it was real or not.

"Here, isn't he cute?" Elena said as she shoved her phone into my face across the lunch table.

"Um, this is your lock screen," I said, turning it back to her.

"Oh, sorry," she said as she quickly typed in her password.

As I turned it back to me I realized that there was no photo selected and it had reverted back to her camera roll. I noticed in the albums that there was one titled with the cloud emoji. I know it was snooping but I couldn't help it, my gut was telling me to open it.

My jaw dropped and I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach.

"Okay, calm down, he's just a puppy," Elena said grabbing the phone out of my hands.

She pulled in a sharp breath and met my teary eyes.

"Shit, Sky, it's not what it looks like," she said reaching for my hand.

"Really? 'Cause it looks like you were the one that took those photos of me," I said angrily.

"What?" Cassidy shrieked as she attempted to grab the phone from Elena's death grip.

"No, I-" she argued.

"Don't even deny it, the photos are date stamped!" I cut her off, releasing a breath of hot air.

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked with confusion, as tears burned my eyes and throat.

"I, I..." Elena was at a loss for words.

Even Cassidy was speechless until I collected my things and ran out of the cafeteria.

"Sky, wait!" I heard Cassidy shout, but I continued to sprint until I was out of breath and sobbing at the bus stop.

I was choking for air as I cried and waited for the bus to arrive so that I could go home. I was already planning in my mind what I would do to cope. I didn't care that I was going to be missing class, all I could think about was cutting. It was consuming my mind.

The moment I walked inside the house I immediately locked myself in the bathroom. I angrily removed my clothes, throwing them on the floor, and quickly dismembered a disposable razor.

You're such a fucking idiot Skylar. This is what you get for trying to be happy. You never will be and you just need to accept that. You just need to cut everyone off. Everyone. You're nothing. You need no one.

I butchered my arms and thighs until there was no room left.

I curled up in a ball on the cold bathroom floor and cried until I couldn't anymore. I didn't know how much time had passed before I finally stretched my limbs and climbed into the shower. When I was clean and bandaged, I curled up in my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of the door being shut.

"Sky? Are you here?" Waylin called.

I rubbed my eyes and dragged my sore body into the living room.

"Hey, Way. Yeah, I'm home," I said as I watched him pull his homework folder from his backpack.

"Are you sick?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Um, yeah. I wasn't feeling well so I came home from school early," I explained, "Are you hungry?"

"No, we had food after flag-football," he said as he got settled at the kitchen table to do his homework.

"Okay, well, just let me know if you need anything," I said as I made my way back to our room.

I grabbed my backpack from the hall and fished out my cellphone.

I had about fifty missed calls from both Elena and Cassidy and too many texts to count.

I sighed with frustration and scrolled through the messages from Cassidy.

I swear I knew nothing about this Sky

Please believe me

You know I would never do anything to hurt you

I know I'm dramatic but that is way too far for even me

If I had known about this you know we would've already gotten revenge

That bitch is dead to me now

I promise

I'll do whatever you want to help make this better

You know we've got dirt on her

Sky, please

Just let me know that you're alive

I'm getting worried now

Don't make me come over there

Come on, I'll pick you up and we can egg her house

I love you

You're my best friend

Please call me or text me when you see this

I didn't know what to say so I just sent a blue heart emoji. She immediately responded with heart emojis and a sad face. I turned my phone off and dropped it to the floor.

I closed my eyes and my drained body and mind fell back to sleep.

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