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I heard hushed voices and rolled over, not yet opening my eyes.

"Please, I don't want to leave her. Just today," Beckett pleaded.

I heard someone sigh.

"Just today. I'll call the school," Mrs. Hill said.

I heard the door click shut and the soft steps of Beckett returning to bed. When he crawled in I opened my eyes.

"Hey," he said softly, smiling at me, "sorry if we woke you."

I shook my head.

"What time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"Just after seven," he said as he adjusted his pillow.

I nodded and brushed my hair from my face.

"You can keep sleeping," he offered.

I chewed on my lip while I debated if I was still tired enough to sleep longer.

"Come'ere," he whispered, raising his arm.

I slowly scooted closer and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me the rest of the way until our bodies met. He rested his chin on the top of my head, stroking my bedhead. I snuggled into his chest, getting comfortable, and let out a heavy sigh.

I slipped my arm around his body, feeling the warmth of his bare skin and I squeezed him.

"I may not be a knight in shining armor," he said softly, "and maybe I'm just an eighteen-year-old boy who doesn't understand everything yet, but I'm the eighteen-year-old boy who loves you. And I'm not making the mistake of losing you again."

I chuckled into his chest and felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. I held him tighter, afraid that I would wake up from this dream.

For once, I didn't mind being me. If only this moment could last forever.

"I'm so sorry," he said, his voice hoarse as if he was trying not to cry.

"Just hold me," I whispered, as I let the tears fall.

His arms wrapped around me tightly, his chest trembling as he cried.

"I'm never letting you go," he sniffled, kissing my head.

A few moments passed before a chuckle escaped me.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked, freeing one of his hands to wipe his face.

"You're going to have to...let me go. It's getting hard to breathe," I giggled into his chest.

He laughed and pulled away, allowing the cool air to rush into my lungs.

"Rollover," he said, smiling.

I furrowed my brow but did as he said.

His arm draped around me and pulled me against his body. He tucked his hand under my waist and let out a sigh.

"Better?" he asked into my hair.

"Yes," I said softly holding onto his arm.

I drifted in and out of sleep until a soft knock on the door made Beckett call out.

"Come in," he said, lifting his head so he wasn't yelling directly into my ear.

Waylin's messy bedhead peered around the door.

"There you are," he said, sighing in relief as he entered the room, "I couldn't find you."

"Come'ere, baby," I smiled, opening my arms and pulling back the covers at the sight of him shivering in his boxers.

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