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I tried to avoid my appearance in the mirror and stares from some girls in the bathroom. I quickly washed my hands and exited. I passed Cass in the hall and she dramatically put her fingers to her head like a gun and pulled the trigger before entering the classroom next to mine. I laughed and entered my own classroom. The desks were full now except for mine and I noticed that Beckett, Parker, and Becca hadn't left the room. I guess they were in homeroom with me.

I took my seat and waited for the class to fill up so we could start.

"Okay, I think that's all of you," she said looking around the room and counting who was here.

"I'm sure most of you know each other since this is such a small school, but why don't we just go around and say your names."

"I'm Beckett," he said confidently leaning back in his chair.

We made our way around the room until I was the last person and I introduced myself.

"Excellent! Welcome to homeroom. I'm Priya. This class will be used to work on your senior symposium project. As most of you have probably heard from previous seniors, this is a group project and you have free reign to choose your topic within the limits of the project."

Becca's hand flew into the air and Priya waved it down.

"Before you guys get any ideas, Becca," she said looking at her, "I've already chosen your partners."
"Parker and Garret. Becca and Taylor. Skylar and Beckett..."

My eyes shot up to meet Beckett's and the rest of what Priya was saying became background noise when he smirked at me. I was annoyed that he made me so flustered so I decided to ignore him and listen to Priya.

"Pass around the project rules please," she said, handing me a stack of papers.

I picked the one from the top and passed it to my left. I skimmed the assignment details and literally wanted to die.

I have to work with Beckett! Why him? He is the cockiest son of a bitch on campus second to Randy Miller.
Fuck me.

I listened as Priya explained the details of the assignment and started racking my brain for ideas. The project guidelines were to demonstrate a significant activity by designing or improving a service/product, planning and organizing an event or activity, or learning, presenting and demonstrating knowledge of an advanced skill.

This is so vague. I don't even know where to start. Beckett and I don't even have anything in common. I mean sure we're both smart but he's very much so a popular tool and I don't think we've ever spoken outside of the classroom. He's probably going to want to do something annoying and sports-related and he probably won't take this as seriously as me.

When Priya had finished she told us to get with our partners and start brainstorming. Priya collected her things and moved to her desk, leaving the seat next to me empty. While everyone switched seats to meet with their partners, I eyed Beckett to see if he was going to move or if I would have to. He nodded to motion that he would move to sit next to me and I settled into my seat.

"Hey," he said as he slid into the chair that was previously occupied by Priya and dropped his bag on the floor.

"Hi," I said with a half smile.

"So...what were thinking as far as options? I was thinking about planning an event or activity would be cool," he looked up from his paper when I didn't immediately respond, and I cleared my throat.

"Uh, yeah. That sounds like it should be the most suitable option. We just need to find a topic for the event or activity."

"Yeah..." he trailed off in thought.

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