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I cleared my throat and shifted on the bed. I didn't know what to say or how much I should say.

"Why don't you start with how you got the bruises on your neck?" Tony suggested.

I sighed in frustration but they patiently waited for me to start.

I was at the end of my rope. I had no more energy left in me to concoct another lie that would be sellable.

"Um," I paused to collect my thoughts for another moment, Beckett nodding at me to go on, "I was at this, um, apartment. And...this guy, he was drunk or something..."

I stopped to glance at everyone's expressions before continuing.

"Um, he...ugh, this is stupid." I groaned.

"It's okay, just take your time," Mrs. Hill said patiently.

I closed my eyes so that I didn't have to look at their disapproving faces, especially Beckett's, when I told them the whole truth.

"Well, he, uh, wanted me to have sex with him," I mumbled, nervously picking at one of the scabs on my forearm, "but, I didn't want to, so he...um," I cleared the lump in my throat before letting the rest spill out, "when I wouldn't listen, hegotupsetandmademedoit."

Beckett grabbed my hand making my eyes shoot open. He held it tightly, preventing me from making myself bleed any further, as I looked down at my visible arm.

"Did you report it?" his mom spoke after a moment of silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking up at her.

"Skylar, what he did was rape. That's illegal. And he can go to jail for that," she explained.

"No, that's not it, I was there and I wasn't supposed to be...and I..." I tried to reason.

"Skylar, it doesn't matter why you were there, what he did was not your fault," she said.

"But if I go to the police they're going to ask what I was doing there, and I can't..." I trailed off.

"Were you there illegally?" she asked.

"Yes, I mean, no, I, I don't know," I said, irritated.

"Sky, no one is judging you," Beckett said, squeezing my hand.

I grunted, wishing I was anywhere else.

"Okay, fine, Jesus," I grumbled, gritting my teeth, "I was there with...this guy...who was selling drugs."

"Were you selling the drugs?" Beckett's mom asked.

"Not exactly. No."

"Then, you didn't do anything illegal," she smiled.

"No, but," I sighed, "I was there because I owed him. And I was carrying the drugs for him"

"What did you owe him?" Tony asked looking up at his wife momentarily.

"Money..." I said through gritted teeth.

Beckett sighed beside me on the bed and I ripped my hand out of his.

"See, I told you, this is why I didn't want to say anything," I exclaimed, folding my arms across my chest, "I told you that I wasn't a good person. I told you."

"Sky, I didn't...I don't think you're a bad person..." Beckett stuttered.

"You don't even know," I said with exasperation, "You just, you don't get it. I'm a fucking pro-sti-tute," I said announcing every syllable so I was clear as day, "I had sex with him in exchange for money or drugs for my mom!" I exploded standing up from the bed and glaring at him.

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