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The drive to the hospital was uncomfortable with Waylin asking questions that I didn't know how to answer and the growing pit of anxiety in my stomach. It was only about twenty minutes, but each second seemed to crawl. When we finally arrived I thanked Beckett without looking at him and quickly grabbed Waylin from the backseat.

I rushed to the entrance and asked the man at the front desk for my mother's room number. He told me which floor to find her on and I clutched Waylin's hand pulling him towards the elevator. We stepped on with several other visitors and I pressed the button for the third floor. I followed the signs for the unit she was on and told Waylin to take a seat in the hall while I spoke with a nurse.

I approached the nurse's station and told them I was here for my mother.

"Skylar?" a red-headed girl who didn't look that much older than me called out.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Hi, I'm Jessica, we spoke on the phone."

"Hi, um, so are there any updates? Can I see her?" I asked impatiently.

I felt bad for being rude when she actually seemed nice.

"Why don't we talk somewhere quiet, and I'll grab the doctor," she nodded and she placed a hand on my shoulder and guided me towards an open door behind us.

"Is there anyone who can stay with my little brother, I don't want him to hear all the details?" I asked as I pointed to where he was sitting.

"Sure, I'll call up one of the volunteers."

When the doctor finally came in, he introduced himself and I shook his hand. He closed the door behind him and took a seat at the circular table across from me.

"Hi, Skylar. Jessica said you wanted an update. First off, is there anyone else that we can notify, any other adults?" he asked crossing his hands on the table.

"No," I shook my head, as I rubbed the fabric of my skirt between my fingers in anticipation.

"Okay, well then I'll get started. She came in via ambulance. Someone had called emergency services and she was found at home. The caller suspected an overdose so the paramedics issued a drug that helps to reverse the effects of narcotics. She did not immediately respond and was admitted upstairs to the ICU so that she could be monitored after pumping her stomach to remove any other drugs that might have still remained. She has yet to wake up, which is why Jessica called to ask if you knew what she had taken. Were you able to recall any new information that you think might be helpful?"

I stared at him in silence as I digested the information.

"Wait, who called the ambulance?" I asked confused.

She was home alone this morning, sleeping. Or was she? Was she already overdosing? Did I miss something?

"We don't know who called 911, we just know that someone did and thank goodness they did. Does your mom regularly use drugs?"

Who the hell called the ambulance?

"Does it matter?" I asked, getting irritated with the situation.

"Well, yes and no. But we would like to get her healthy and if she is regularly using drugs we have some services that we could offer her."

I didn't say anything.

The doctor sighed.

"Look, you're not going to get in trouble. Or get your mom in trouble. I'm not the police and the paramedics did not find any drugs in her possession. I just want to help her and I can't do that well if you're not honest with me," he said leaning forward to look at me more closely.

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