Part12: welcome home

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The night was dark yet it held a strange aura of calmness. The wind was unsettled again it didn't knew wether to whirl with joy at the lost princess coming home or to get sad over the upcoming incidences and gloomy fate.

The shortcut to the castle was uneven and had a way from inside the dark woods.

King's fastest horse rider had left for the castle the moment he got the news of capturing the girl. He went fast to inform the king earlier as he was ordered.

As soon as the rider reached castle and gave his news everyone got anticipated. Grand Queen and Queen were slightly happy and nervous whereas king was still unsure wether the girl was their real daughter or not.

The royal cook Marina was so excited to meet the princess that upon hearing the arrival of princess she set off to the mission of making all the dishes from sweet to sour doubting what would princess prefer.

Everyone was happy excited and nervous. The still had a doubt what if she's not the real princess but there was no harm to test.

The royal family passed on some special powers in generations which were sapphire eyes. Not everyone had those in family but the one having them got something peculiar as well so it could be easy to forgive out wether she's the real princess or not.

The king and Queen had already decided the series the test which they'd make the girl go through.


Everyone's anticipation grows with that knock.
"It was just the wind, there's no one", said Cadbury.

It had been quit late then expected what if they got into some trig because the short cut from village wasn't safe, thought the king.

Another knock.

Heart beat going faster.

"My lord", says the Cadbury and step aside to reveal the girl.
Her clothes were torn, hair was nothing less then nest, she was looking complete disaster and traumatised.

"Hello my name is king Luther, come sit here".

Sapphire obeyed him sat down on the couch, she was already too tired to argue or resist it even ask any question.

"We are sorry for all the fuss we didn't wanted to scare you. You don't have to be afraid no ones gonna hurt you", said the queen while sitting next to her and patting her hand.

"I know you'll be having dozens of questions right now but soon you'll find their answer. You stay here for some days until we get our answer, till then think like you're on vacation living in a castle and relax", she continued and gave sapphire a warm smile.

"Cadbury show her the room and tell her maids to give her clothes and food".

"Everything's gonna be fine darling don't worry you're safe and you're family knows you're here so don't worry about them", said the Grand Queen.

I had no stamina left so I decided to take rest so I followed their their servant.

The castle was really amazing even the hallways was like walking in a galaxy full of stars. Walls were golden decorated with paintings and jewels.

Cadbury stopped by a huge golden door. The wall beside it had paintings some kind of miniature portraits.

He opened the door and led me inside
. I gasped at the view, I've never seen such a beautiful room. My whole village can easily sleep here. It was all rose gold and light pink like it have been decorated for a girl.

"You'll be staying here if you need anything just call out, there will be guards and maids at the door, have a good night!", Cadbury bows and leaves shutting the door

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"You'll be staying here if you need anything just call out, there will be guards and maids at the door, have a good night!", Cadbury bows and leaves shutting the door.

The room was dimly lit by candles all over. It had a huge bed on which 5-6 people can sleep soundly. I went over to the bed and sat at the edge.
Oh my god! What the heck this bed is so soft. Is it having a foam or a jelly inside.

Me: grinning at bed.
Bed: oh no no.
Me: oh yes yes.

I stood on the bed and start jumping it was so fun. Though I was tired to bones but I couldn't resist my temptation of jumping on it.

I got tired and sat down heavily breathing and laughing at my childish behaviour. Laughing at myself and situation, I had a nightmare day and here I am jumping on bed. Life is so sarcastic.

I felt something under me like stone, I picked it up it was a red stone I guess the one Louis gave me. I checked my pockets to see wether I'm not mistaken.
It could have fallen from my pocket while I was jumping.

I held it tightly in my hands and felt sad. I missed Lou, I missed him so much. I loved him so much. Tears began to form and flow all the memories came over.

I laid down while tightly holding onto stone he gave me. I kissed the stone "I love you Lou", I said.

To my utter astonishment the stone glowed and I heard 'I love you too Saph'.

What's this? Am I dreaming? What's happening.

"Lou are you here?", I whispered making sure the guards out there don't listen in case Louis is really here.

'I'm always with you baby', again the voice came.

"But where are you?", I asked anticipated.

'Down here, the stone. Don't let it go. I'm always here. I'll help you out of here. Trust me. There's a lot you need to know. Keep the stone SECRET. Go to sleep now', was all I heard from the stone in broken lines.

I felt peace, like my whole world just got glued up. I wiped my tears and out the stone under my pillow. He's with me I thought and smiled.

My life isn't normal like other people I should mentally prepare myself for further surprises. With that I took blanket over and made a mental note to ask maids tomorrow that what they stuffed inside the bed to make it so soft.

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