Part 5: The revelation

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Mother holy's POV:

I took a Cart to go the palace. The Cart driver was a noble boy and son of my old neighbours. He told that most of the main roads are sealed and the army is searching for the princess there. So he took the shortcut from the forest side.

The journey started smooth. I told him to take me as fast as possible to the palace because the time was running out. He kept his pace faster.
It started to rain first slowly then heavily.

Then the rain turned into storm and the forest was already so dense so it got darker here.

The way was uneven which gave a bumpy ride, my withered bones didn't had the stamina to fight against the jerks of cart.

I wished to get there as soon as possible. I shouted to the boy to take me fast and he replied it's the maximum speed he could attain in this forest or otherwise it won't be safe.

Certainly there were animals, wild animals and if it comes in the way our way, our cart horses would get scared and it would be hard to tame them.

I knew what I had to do, I knew this would happen someday because they didn't listened me carefully so I had prepared my mind a long time ago.

The last time when I saw queen she was so hopeful and optimistic when she met me I know she'll be a lot more then disaster right now. But I have to convey my message to them.

After a long hard journey we finally entered into the northern hill area. It was now an hour journey to the palace. After entering into palace boundaries it was still half and hour journey to the castle.

Obviously how can I forget? Who else knows this place better then me? Me and the palace had a strong relation,

Which no one knows except the Great Grand Queen.

I finally reached the palace boundary fully secured with guards.
"How can we help you old lady?", they asked like I might have lost my way to home and came here instead.

"I want to go in, to meet queen."

"No one is allowed to go in and Queen ordered that she didn't want to meet anyone.", the guard said.

"Tell her it's about her daughter, if still she doesn't want to meet me then I'll leave.", he looked kind of uneasy after my reply.

"What's your introduction?"

"Tell the Queen that Mother Holy wants to meet her and its urgent about her daughter.", he nodded again and asked one of his guards to go insure for permission.

He came after some time and they let me in. The young guard showed me the way towards the main room. Silly boy I thought, I didn't need anyone to show me way, I knew this place better then anyone I can't bet that these guards still don't know about the castle's hidden passages.

I entered the castle and observed it carefully. I walked slowly and told the guard that I can't walk fast.
It's been a long long while when I last came here.

Years ago or decades ago.
Everything was the same except some new changes. The same aura, same familiarity, same fragrance.

"I wasn't expecting you Mother Holy.", my thoughts were cut by queen's voice. I didn't realised that we reached the main hall.

"I had something urgent to tell you.", I said and she nodded I could clearly see the bags under her eyes.
We went to her room for privacy.

I felt something unfamiliar, some kind of strong aura which I couldn't understand, a kind of evil aura?
"Who is in the castle right now?", I asked out of curiosity, she never had that queen attitude with pride and so never mind my questions.

She motioned me to sit on the chair.
"Grand Queen, me, guards, and Uncle James with his family and I guess prince Aiden or maybe he went out with Luther, but why are you asking?",

"Nothing it's just I want no one to hear us", I didn't tell her about the aura thing because she was already broken and I didn't wanted to scare her.

"So what the urgent thing? No one will come here.",

"Uhh...its..about the princess.", I stated.

"What about her? Tell me? Is she alive? Where is she? Did you saw her? Oh my god what happened? Tell me...", I cut her off.

"Listen wait be patient I know you would react to what I'm going to say and I was thinking to tell it when you get stable but my health gives me no guarantee of time and I don't know how much I'm going to live so I came here to deliver my message ."

"First of all show me the stone I gave you.", I continued.
She nodded and went to her locker. She searched for it, called her maids to check and after a long time she came with a disappointed face. I knew this would happen and I warned her.

"You lost the stone?", I asked her and she nodded slightly.

"I told you to protect the stone and your daughter. Now you can't do anything to get her back but she alive where ever she is.", I told her.

"You came all the way to tell me I have permanently lost my daughter?", hurt crossed her face and her eyes were watery I didn't wanted her to cry.

"No. I want to tell that where ever she is she's safe whom ever she's with they'll take a lot care of her but she'll come back or more precisely she'll visit the castle when she turns eighteen."

"How you know this?", she sounded calm now.

"By my powers. I know only this much my tarot only told me; she's alive, she's fine, she'll be fine, she'll visit the castle when she turns eighteen. That's all I know I hope this would ease your pain.", I tapped her hand and she gave a weak smile.

I stood up and hugged her and she came along with me I told her to take rest and told her that I'll go myself guards will show me the way.
As I left her room my heart hammered in my chest. Should I go to that room?
If not then I'll miss the last chance of meeting.

With the war going in my head I acted out of impulse and walked towards the left hallway that led to that room. With my sweaty palm and hammering heart I tried to turn the knob, then I thought I should knock, I was debating in my mind over this and the knob turned and someone opened the door.

My heart beat was going crazy. My eyes met those eyes which I was dying to see for years. It was a moment of shock for both of us we stood there in silence.

I knew I would have the encounter once I get into the castle but didn't knew what it would feel like seeing a person so close to heart after such a long time.

Helllooooo babes!!! So how was the chapie? Don't forget to
I'll always reply to your comment or messages. I know it was kinda cliche but there's a lot to guess (which you'll do) and a lot to reveal (which I'll do).

Q.who do you think was the person Mother Holy met?
(Well I'm not going to reveal it too soon so be patience candies.)

Qotd. What was the most happiest day of your life?
Mine was when I got first position in art competition for my sketch.

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