Part 6: After a long time

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18 years later:

Seriously nothing can be compared with the view of sunrise and morning's fresh air. It held a strong feeling and the feel of this air was different from the rest of day.

Month of April have been started and it's already getting hot here, spring is getting over and the hot winds are ripening the fruit orchids.

I sat on the top of the hill and took a deep breath. My lungs get filled with freshening scent of flowers. I looked at the horizon and then at sky there was a little cold breeze but sun rays were warming up.

The sky was dark yet orange. Beneath me was a vast sea and across sea was the place I never visited.

I was curious about how the other end would be but I didn't knew how to swim and didn't had any boat and father never had time to take me there. Once or twice I visited that other end but I was a child then and it was some fair I guess.

Every year there held a fair and our village was famous for its most sweet and tasty fruits so our whole time would nhave be spend in taking care of fruits, checking out for over ripened fruits.

The birds were chirping and the sky was turning in pink hue, it was rare to see the sky pink before sun rise and it was so beautiful. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to see who was awake at this hour.

"Louis! What are you doing here?", I asked and he sat beside me.

"I am sitting here with you milady", he said with a cute smile

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"I am sitting here with you milady", he said with a cute smile.

He never missed the chance to show his humour. "Oh I can see that but you were leaving yesterday for Agratopia, you told that you have to trade new pots I guess".

"Yes actually we made some newly designed pots and we wanted to export it first to Agratopia as you know it's the biggest trading centre in the whole state but then my father thought it would be better to send my brother instead. I'm sure people would love our pots and they'll demand more so I'll be staying here and making new ones."

"That's good. Because if you left then it could have took months and months for you to come back", I told him.

"Milady seems sad over me leaving", he said with a chuckle and held my hand. My skin burned with his touch.

"You look pretty when you blush", and those words made me blush more. I was lost at words.

"Everything is so beautiful. You complete me, the moments with you are the happiest ones for me."

I tightened my grip on his hand to feels the heat our hands were radiating.
"I want the time to stop", I finally said something.

"Or we can be like this forever", he said while looking into my eyes. His eyes had deepness where I was lost.

Louis was my first and last love. He lived next to our cottage and their family was famous for pottery. Only the rich ones could afford their pottery items.

We grew up together, played together, we had a lot of fights but I was the one to start always and he was the one to end it. There was always something more then friendship in our relation, something very deep and strong, something that I never felt before.

Even when I started to have this feeling it was only for him I couldn't feel the same for any other boy. The burning sensation at his slight touch, cheeks getting hot under his stare, face turning red when he's close to me, heart beat getting fast and weird feeling in stomach.

I never experienced it before.

Lilly said it was love. She said that a person experiences all this stuff in love and always starts giving me lessons on love.

And oh did I forget to mention about Lilly.

Lilly was my best friend. She was like a sister, more then a sister actually. They also lived next to us and we knew each other since we were born.

My mother died when I was born and it was hard for father to look after me with his time consuming work so he used to drop me at their home and took me when he comes back.

Lilly's mother was a midwife and her father died a long time ago. Her mother was a lady with grace and kind heart. She reared me like her own child.

"Lost in thoughts again?", Louis slightly pressed my hand.

"I've to go now. Father would be awake till now. I have to do a lot of work", I realised that I was getting late.

"Don't go, stay with me love", he kissed my forehead.

"I'm always with you Lu but I have to go now, I don't want my father to know about us now", I told him.

"Ah fine! We will talk about it later and I will be needing the whole details and then you'll answer without any excuse or running away", he said.

"Ok sir! Any other command?", I faked commando accent and chuckled.

"Just one thing"


His deep dark eyes were locked with mine. And in matter of seconds and before the blink of eyes he pecked my lips, leaving a burning sensation and left.

I stood there like a statue unable to move, heart beating like maniac and getting an adrenaline rush.

"I LOVE YOU", he shouted from far away.

Silly boy, I thought.
I touched my lips and smiled to myself.

I love you too.

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