13 ~ Reflection

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Everyone had decided to get some rest. You had all laid down on the glass like ground that made the stars seem like they were right below you, but in reality the ground simply reflected the bright stars from the sky. 

You were laid down on taehyungs hands comfortably rested in his palm but for some reason you couldn't sleep. You felt nervous about being here. 

You had now understood why taehyung seemed so terrified of this forest. The souls were mysterious creatures, but they were creatures that should be feared. You shifted in your spot and you slowly got up from taehyungs hand making sure you didn't wake him. 

Your small legs traveled a few steps and you looked around. 

The ground which reflected the night sky seemed cold, almost empty even thought the bright stars shined in it's reflection. You attempted to walk further but being so small it was tough to make a long distance. 

You huffed and angrily cursed "man I need to work out more" you mumbled out. 

You still scanned the area making sure there was nothing that could harm anyone and it was quite. You were grateful for the silence knowing that another guardian wouldn't try to harm your friends. 

It was odd though, you wondered if the souls were really trying to harm anyone or they were simply doing there job. You wondered if each soul had an emotion that was fitted for their trial, if it had to be an emotion. 

But as your mind wandered you heard a soft voice

"y/n, why are you up" you looked up seeing that the rest of the boys were asleep on the ground but namjoon stood above your small tiny form. He leaned down on his knee and offered his hand to you, you simply climbed on as he brought you closer to his face so he could hear you. 

"I couldn't sleep. I was just thinking" you said softly and namjoon smiled at you showing his cute dimples. 

"same, I was thinking- you know what never mind" namjoon breathed out an you saw a hesitation in his eyes. 

You were tired, but you knew namjoon seemed to be worried. You remembered how you had failed to notice how jimin and jin felt before and you wanted to be there for namjoon. You didn't want anyone to feel like you didn't care for them or that you weren't there for them. 

"namjoon, you know you can talk to me right" you said softly and namjoon smiled at you once again "it's alright. I was just thinking about my old job, how I would go back. You know I actually liked my job, I was the castle head book keeper, it's why I enjoy reading so much" namjoons eyes sparkled while he spoke

You smiled seeing him so happy, namjoon always did love books. 

Namjoon sat down and you also sat down in his hand getting comfortable. 

"it must be so exciting reading all of those books, I'm sure there are a lot of interesting ones considering this is a magical world" you said excited. You loved that you shared your love of reading with him. 

"yes it is, I look forward to being able to be surrounded by multiple books again, to see the large library" you looked up at namjoon but noticed the sparkle in his eyes seemed to die down. 

"now now, why don't you speak the truth" your eyes widened hearing namjoons voice. But you were looking right at namjoon and he clearly didn't move his mouth. Namjoons eyes seemed to widen in fear as you both heard the voice speak again, it sounded exactly like namjoon.

"those who don't speak the truth do not get to pass" then in an instant you jumped in surprise when you saw a hand reach out and grab namjoons leg. There, the reflection from the ground, specifically namjoons reflection had moved on it's own and was now pulling him into the ground. 

You screamed in fear but in seconds you had been pulled into the ground along with namjoon. 

It was cold on this side. 

Namjoon looked at you panicked and spoke "what is going on" he huffed in fear seeing that his own reflection had moved by itself only moments ago and had dragged him here. You looked around seeing a place surrounded by large walls made of glass.

You and namjoon didn't dare to move as you heard a voice, this voice was more cold and unfamiliar. 

"welcome to my trial. My trial is much more simple than others"

You looked around seeing no one among the room of glass. But as your looked up you could see the panicked group looking for you and namjoon, for some reason it appeared they couldn't see you down here. However, you knew you should still try to catch their attention.

"HERE" you screamed out but the boys who you could clearly see above you didn't budge. Yes, they definitely couldn't here you or see you.

"they can not hear you here. This is my own world made from my magic, the world of reflections. Now for my trial all you have to do is face the reflection. The reflection of the truth. I despise people who do not face the truth, so namjoon, face your truth"

You and namjoon froze in fear when someone stepped out of the shadows. Your heart hammered in your chest as the person took a few steps forwards and a large smile was on their face, the familiar dimples showing. 

"w-what" namjoon stuttered out staring at the new figure that had suddenly appeared before you two. 

You looked up surprised by the person, or soul, or whatever had walked towards you two

The soul, or reflection smiled at you and namjoon and you felt sick. You had no idea what danger this trail would bring considering right now in front of you stood something that looked exactly like namjoon. 

The figure, who had taken on namjoons form simply smirked as it looked at you both. 

"shall we begin the trial"

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