23 ~ Tree

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You squinted as the bright light was blinding you and your groaned in pain.

You landed right on the cement near the fountain.

You looked around seeing the familiar flower park. You looked back at the fountain and watched as the sparkling light faded and suddenly the light was gone.

There it was, this was it.

You would never see them again.

You froze when you heard a loud voice

"Y/N HAVE YOU BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME" you looked up seeing that the sun was rising. It was morning it seemed. Taeyong and jaehyun jogged over to you and you sat up from the ground

"yugyeom said you never went home last night when you told him the others were leaving" you froze hearing jaehyuns words. Wait...so that meant that only several hours had passed since you left. Magic really was too strange for you to understand.

"we were worried but it looks like you just fell asleep here" taeyong chuckled while jaehyun offered you his hand and you took it. 

Well at least you were normal sized again

Jaehyun helped you up and then he spoke

"so did everyone get back okay" you looked up and forced a smile

"yeah, yeah they did"

You, jaehyun, and taeyong went back to your apartment and you were greeted by a furious yugyeom. He looked like he was going to murder you

"you had me worried sick, I though something happened. You can't just go missing for the night like that"

"sorry gyeomie, I won't do it again" you chuckled out but the laugh was fake and the others seemed to notice

"y/n did something happen" yugyeom asked softly and you finally broke down. Tears streamed down you face while you fell to the ground "t-they are gone gyeom, they are never coming back. I-I never even got to tell him that I loved him" you sobbed out.

You had finally realized your feeling to late.

Yugyeom hugged you tightly

"I'm sorry y/n"


"she went back it seems" a cold voice spoke out.

"why didn't they use our gifts" a happy toned voice spoke 

The seven faceless figures stood by the base of the large everlasting tree. 

"maybe they don't know what the gifts are, you should have been more straightforward" the leaf figure spoke wisely. 

"shut up oldie" the figure make of red dust growled out

"seriously you made us do all that for a human girl" the reflection figure said angrily

"well that stupid dog interrupted my fun" the pitch black figure spoke

"well anyways, what do you owe this girl everlasting tree" the monochrome figure asked trying to inch away from the multicolored figure that tried to grab onto it's arm.

Then the large everlasting tree in front of them glowed, it did not say a word but the souls understood, after all they were birthed from the tree itself

"so what is she found the gem that saved you. You don't owe her anything" the red sanded figure yelled

"besides the human girl ended up leaving. The others do not even know the importance of the gift we gave them" the reflection figure grumbled out and the tree glowed brighter again

"yeah, listen to the tree. They have that smart one who loves books with them I'm sure they will figure it out" the multicolored figure said happily. 

"don't you think it is sad, that they can no longer be together unless they figure it out" the monochrome figure breathed out

"it doesn't matter" the reflection figure spoke and the leaf figure chuckled "you are simply upset the small human bit you"

"am not" the reflection figure replied

The tree glowed brightly and they stopped arguing

"we know. You owe her" the multicolored figure spoke

"but do you think you can help her, how can you help the two find each other" the pitch black figure asked and the tree glowed

"well I suppose your right. You're roots reach very far don't they"


You ran down the street heavily breathing as you stumbled. You had been working officially for one month after you finished school. It had also been exactly seven months since you had come back from the magical world.

When you had been pocket sized.

You had cried a lot the first couple of days, then sometimes little things would remind you of the boys and you would find yourself crying again. 

You still remember when you had cried last month when you saw cotton candy, you didn't know it could have such an effect on you.

But you were trying, you were trying to move on. You even moved to another part of the city. You're own apartment, you thought you were being more independent. But in the end that wasn't really the case considering yugyeom, jaehyun, and taeyong moved into the apartment building beside yours.

But right now you were running for your life as taeyong was screaming from behind you.

"Y/N GET BACK HERE, YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD AT LEAST TRY MY DANCE CLASS" taeyong had waited for you outside of work. You had been avoiding him for months, you had told him mindlessly that you would personally take dance lessons from him in your free time when he opened his own studio. You had never thought he would do it, but then again taeyong is extremely hard headed so you should have seen this coming. 

"CORNER HER JAEHYUN and YUGYEOM" you screamed as jaehyun can running after you as well. The three were a pain. Jaehyun had always loved singing so he had opened a music studio along with yugyeom. You may have also said something about recording a song...but you didn't MEAN IT, it was a joke. 

You ran down the streets and you randomly turned corners not caring where you ended up. But they were persistent so after running for twenty straight minuets you huffed heavily almost throwing up at the intense exercise.

You looked around and noticed you were in an unfamiliar part of the city but you sighed in relief seeing the bench at the park in front of you.

You sat on the bench catching you breath but you froze when you leaned back and you could see the tree above you. The tree had a single light pink flower growing from it and for some reason you couldn't take your eyes off of it.

Then the perfect light pink flower suddenly fell from the tree, as it was falling it was taken away by the wind and for some odd reason...

You chased after it. 

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