Previously on Sonic the Hedgehog...

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Previously on Sonic the Hedgehog (Satam)...

Sonic and the Knothole Freedom Fighters had spent years building up resistance against the cold Dr Robotnik.

Trial after trial, they all pulled through and fought the mad dictator at their best.

Whether it was sabotaging a facility, freeing Mobians or scrapping SWAT bots, the Freedom Fighters all survived to fight another day.

One day, Robotnik had made a new machine that would be used to end his war against the world.

Sonic and the gang gathered all resistance groups together for a massive assault on Robotropolis.

It failed miserably...

...resulting in all of them being captured.

Just when all hope was lost, Sonic broke free and fought Robotnik in one final battle.

With the help of Sally and a special power stone, the team managed to defeat him and destroy Robotropolis.


(I'm not copying all of it, just my favorite part)

Sonic and Sally use the Power Stone to run around at light speed and destroy everything in the metal city.

Robotnik shouts as the city is destroyed.

"I hate that hedgehog!

"I hate him!

"I hate him!"

"HATE HIM!!!!!"




The entire metal fortress is destroyed in a blast.

Everyone is in a safe distance as Sonic and Sally land to safety.


Afterwards, everyone celebrated victory as always.

Everyone was free, Robotnik was dead and Mobotropolis was in recovery.

This seems like "Happily Ever After"...

....or is it...?


Snively gets out of a pod and laughs maniacally.

"Big round guy finally let Sonic defeat him?"

"Well, don't celebrate too soon, hedgehog."

"Now it's my turn..."


A pair of red menacing eyes appear from the pod, glowing with power.


The true battle....has just begun...

Sonic UA Season 1 RPWhere stories live. Discover now