Episode 22 Everyone vs Lord Rai

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Previously on Sonic UA...

Perfect Chaos was unleashed upon the world, with Station Square reduced to ruins being only the demo to the full destruction of everything.

Most of the heroes went about trying to save people despite the risks, but Perfect Chaos was too strong to get everyone out in time, meaning someone would have to fight him.

By a miracle, the Chaos Emeralds still had their positive energy left, giving Sonic enough power to turn into a form powerful enough to take on Chaos: Super Sonic!

Lord Rai and his personal warriors and followers tried to intervene, though the Freedom Fighters fought hard to distract long enough for Super Sonic to pull through.

Super Sonic eventually found the weakness and beat Chaos, with the creature soon giving up upon seeing that everyone moved on from harming Chao, finally able to rest at a peaceful state.

Though the fight is far from over...there's just one more person to deal with.

Time to wrap up the Chaos arc with one more epic battle!


(Insert Chaos arc intro here)


Chaos goes away with Tikal after seeing several Chao that were free and alive, finally at peace after all of these years.

"No!" Lord Rai calls out and is about to blast Tikal to stop her. "This isn't over! Chaos should end everything!"

Before he could fire his attack, Sonic comes out of nowhere and kicks him away, calling out at him. "Not this time!"

The old fox skids across the ground before stopping himself and glaring at him. "You always have to make everything worse, don't you? No matter what happens, you just have to play hero instead of letting everything play out."

"What are you talking about?" Sonic says with arms crossed. "What good does Chaos destroying everything have to do with making everything better?"

"Because I'm trying to prevent a future that your ignorance keeps causing." Lord Rai answers as he dusts himself off. "You originally won this fight in multiple scenarios, only for a worse future down the road to come and doom everyone that survives to suffer in it."

Sonic raised a brow in skepticism. "You're saying I caused something worse than this? Did you really look into the future like your mentor said you did?"

"He told you I've seen EVERY FUTURE." The elder tells him. "Each one where you tried to prevent a massive apocalypse, only to be part of what brought it out in the first place. And it all spawns from the long conflict you had with Robotnik that refuses to end until all is obliterated."

"Why don't you just tell me what happens and we can work together to stop it from happening?" Sonic says to him. "Killing the world just to prevent it from happening doesn't sound like the brightest idea. There's gotta be another way!"

"I tried telling you in one timeline, but you told me that exact last sentence." Lord Rai smirks at him. "Then you died by the threat's hands when trying to stop it."

Sonic's eyes widened, not just at the fact that Lord Rai heard him say that line before, but also saw him die in that same timeline.

Lord Rai chuckles and adds onto his proof.

"You said 'Let's do it to it!' when Tails warned you of it in another time."

"In a timeline where Knuckles warned you, you told him 'Calm down, Knucklehead!'"

Sonic UA Season 1 RPWhere stories live. Discover now