Episode 14 Clash of Catastropes

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Previously on Sonic UA...

Our heroes recently recovered the human scientist, Nate Morgan, in an attempt to use his knowledge to boost their defenses against a coming invasion.

While the attempt was successful, Aura is out of the fight due to P.U.M.A's commander, Ulysses Trailing, having a grudge against Aura's long dead father after losing to him in the Great War.

To make matters worse, lack of encounters from Snively lead Class to fear he may have a secret ace up his sleeve to help Naugus and P.U.M.A.

Meanwhile, a message Ki receives leaves him to question if there is someone else pulling the strings in all of these conflicts.

A new war for Mobotropolis is brewing...

...and no one knows if the recently returned royal family can hold it back.

Can our heroes stop Naugus and end the wizard's fear mongering?

Find out in today's episode!


(Insert theme song here)


Hip opens his eyes after waking up from something.

Bopper looks at him. "You ok, buddy? You dozed off for a while there."

Hip nods and says. "Yeah....just a dream, that's all."

Fury tells them. "You can share it later. We got to find out how to keep P.U.M.A from finding out about the secret tunnels underground."

Rotor holds up a button. "We got the entrances camouflaged, but they could probably dig in the ground and find them anyways."

Sally adds. "Which is why we're stationing some of our team to guard wherever they may come in."

Class asks her. "Are you certain it is wise to fight without Nicole's assistance?"

Sonic pats him on the back. "We got this, Class. Naugus may have power, but he isn't Robuttnik."

Class shakes his head in annoyance. "Let us hope you are right, for everyone's sake."

Bunnie gets her new arm cannon ready. "I hope we can wipe the smirk off Snively's face when we see him."

Meanwhile, Hip was in thought and questioning something in his mind.

(Roleplay starts here)

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