Season Finale: Live and Learn

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Previously on Sonic UA...

Our heroes snuck aboard the Space Colony Ark in order to foil Eggman's plans to use the Eclipse Cannon on any countries that didn't submit to him.

After taking out several of Eggman's robots, they were close to completing the mission.

Amy and a few friends got held hostage by Eggman in order to demand the Chaos Emerald they have, which Sonic almost tricked Eggman into being given the fake Chaos Emerald...

...but Eggman saw through the ruse and sent Sonic into space.

Though it looked like it was the end for Sonic, the Blue Blur managed to do the impossible and Chaos Control back into the Ark using the fake Chaos Emerald.

Three fights all happened around the same time.

Knuckles fighting Rouge over what's left of the Chaos Shards from the Master Emerald.

Tails in a mech shootout against Eggman over the last Chaos Emerald.

And Sonic vs Shadow one last time to determine who's the best.

For the most part, the heroes pulled through and won all of the fights, seemingly foiling the attempt to use the Eclipse Cannon on the world.

Though during the celebrations...Eggman managed to slip by with the last Chaos Emerald and hurry it over to the console.

But something seems to have gone wrong...

The Eclipse Cannon isn't firing....yet something seems to have activated upon the emeralds being placed inside.

What is about to happen next?

Find out in today's episode!


(Insert Shadow arc intro here)


Sonic and Knuckles were both rushing into the room where the rest of the team was...when they felt the entire station shake.

"Whoa! What was that?" Sonic says as he stops himself from falling down.

"Feels like the entire station is falling!" Bopper says as he balances against a wall with Sally

"But that can't be...the Ark was built up here in space. It shouldn't have the means to fall!" Sally replied back.

Rouge lands in the room with them.

Knuckles glares over at her. "Haven't you had enough yet?"

"I just got a call from my boss." Rouge tells the heroes. "The Ark is falling from orbit at terminal velocity! It will only be a matter of minutes until the world is destroyed from the impact...and all of us onboard with it!"

"But Eggman was trying to threaten the world with the Eclipse Cannon instead of crashing the who is doing this?" Aura asked as he had arrived with the others.

They then see an old scientist tied to a chair appear on monitor nearby.

"Wait...who is that?" Hip asked, confused on the image.

Sally put two and two together and realized what was going on was the work of one person. "Dr Gerald Robotnik...."

Meanwhile, every screen across Mobius was hacked again, this time with Gerald's message.

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