Episode 17 Diversion of Doomsday

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Previously on Sonic UA...

Our heroes engaged Snively's robot doppelgänger army in a major battle, destroying all of his forces and causing the small enemy to flee to hide.

When the heroes found him, a quick battle of speed determined who would win.

After a humiliating defeat, Snively is now at the heroes mercy, scratching the last enemy of their list.

Or was he really the last villain?

In a surprise twist, Robotnik is revealed to be alive!

In a surprise twist, Robotnik is revealed to be alive!

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And soon the one pulling the strings is revealed...

.....an ancient enemy called Lord Rai!

(Unfortunately, there's no picture we can use for him.)

It turns out, Lord Rai helped Robotnik cheat death so he could use him as a final ally.

The old dark master reveals that he returned from the dead himself due to a curse that allows him to come back a certain time after being killed.

One of the heroes did kill him, but Lord Rai's lack of fear of death puts the group at unease.

Now Robotnik is back to unleash the plan that failed...

... the Doomsday Machine!

In a matter of time, the mad doctor will start to capture Mobians and humans everywhere and robotize them

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In a matter of time, the mad doctor will start to capture Mobians and humans everywhere and robotize them.

The world will also have Doomsday Pods everywhere that are designed to destroy the world's various ecosystems.

The Freedom Fighters must hurry to stop Robotnik's world ending scheme before it's too late.

Can they do it?

Or will Robotnik bring the end of all?

Find out on today's episode!


(Insert intro here)


All of the heroes are back at Knothole again to find out the next course of action.

Ki tells the team. "Robotnik and Lord Rai must be stopped at all costs, or else the world will end forever."

Hip shivers some. "I don't know what we do against someone that can shrug off death like it's nothing."

Sonic points a thumb backwards. "We need to focus on Robotnik first before taking on the creepy corpse we saw earlier."

Rotor looks at data he obtained from the hidden facility. "Robotnik somehow kept several copies of the blueprints for the Doomsday Project in the event that the first time failed. Even if we destroy it now, it won't stop him from trying again years later."

Antione panics some. "M-More of these terrible machines?"

Bunnie holds the guy steady. "Easy Antione, we ain't goin' down."

Fury looks at the design. "So why can't this thing be blowed up?"

Hip looks up and down at the design. "It looks like it would take several nukes to blow that thing to kingdom come."

Sonic adds. "Or two Mobians using Power Stones."

Nicole tells the group. "According to the new designs, he's improved it from taking outside damage."

Class strokes his chin. "So that means it will take an inside job to destroy it."

Sally says. "Then that means me and Nicole need to get in and download a program that will destroy the Doomsday Machine's network."

Bopper pounds his fists together. "Then we gotta prepare for a major fight with Swatbots."

(Roleplay begins here!)

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