Episode 29 Time of Terror

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Previously on Sonic UA...

Tails and a few of Sonic's friends arrived at Prison Island to stop Eggman's side from getting the Chaos Emeralds there, as well as capture Shadow so they can prove Sonic's innocence.

During the chaos, Amy frees Sonic, who goes on to encounter Shadow elsewhere on the island.

After a big fight between the two, they both had to cut it short as Prison Island was set to blow up.

Thankfully Sonic and his friends escaped in time before the worse happens.

Though now Sonic and team have to deal with all of them now labeled as wanted fugitives of the law that are on the run. (Even though Sonic would've died on the island if his friends didn't free him)

With the score seemingly on Eggman's favor after he's collected just about all of the Chaos Emeralds, will the heroes even be able to stop him?

Or will the Eggman Empire reign over the world more than his former Robotnik self ever did?

Find out in today's episode!


(Insert Shadow arc theme here)



Eggman appears on screens everywhere across the world to broadcast his announcement.

"Hahaha! Citizens of Mobius! Lend me your ear and listen to me very carefully! My name is Dr Eggman, the world's greatest scientist and soon to be the world's greatest ruler! Now witness the beginning of the greatest empire of all time! Hahaha!"

Up in space orbiting the planet was some kind of asteroid or satellite that looked like a clone of the moon......or so everyone thought.

Half of it glows before blowing up, revealing a metal structure that looks like Eggman's face.

The nose looking portion lights up.....before firing a laser out across space.

Everyone down on the surface watches as a streak of light zooms across the sky in awe.

The real moon is hit by the laser, chunks of it flying everywhere in the blast as a massive explosion rang out in the skies

When it cleared.....only half of the moon was left!

The announcement screens then showed a 24 hour countdown...

A countdown.....until a country on the surface was next....

(Roleplay begins here with your OC's response to this)


Enjoy this!

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