Chapter 17

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Sanyu was sitting and Randhir was laying on the ground keeping his head on her lap while she was caressing his hair.

"You know when you roam your hand in my hair I feel so good." He said opening his eyes and looking at her.

"I know. It removes your stress." She said leaning toward him and kissing his forehead lovingly making him smile.

"The dinner was delicious." He said taking her hands and kissing them.

"Thank you." She said shyly and he pulled her face closer kissing her lips softly.

Her mobile rings and she drift apart taking her mobile. She pick up the call and he got up from her lap sitting on the ground.

"Hello Sanyu...." Sanaya said.

"Sanaya... long time. How are you?" Sanyu asked while Randhir smiled at her.

"I will tell you later everything. I am at New York airport. Will you please come to pick me?" She asked.

"Of course but what are you doing here?" Sanyu asked shockingly.

"Just come to pick up me. I will tell you everything." Sanaya replied taking deep breathe.

"Okay. I will talk with Randhir." Sanyu said glancing at Randhir.

"What happened?" Randhir asked seeing her worries on her face.

"Sanaya is here. We have to go to the airport." Sanyu said getting up followed by Randhir.

"Hey relax. Just give her photo to me. Lorenzo will take her here. Trust me." Randhir said holding her hand and she nodded her head.

They walked inside the mansion and she sat on the sofa while Randhir called Lorenzo.

Sanaya come out of the airport and looked for a bench. She walked to there and sat on bench with her bag. She put her hand on her belly and tears rolled down from her eyes.

"We don't need your daddy to survive. We will survive baby. I and you will make our new world." She said caressing her belly and wiped her tears.

After half hour Lorenzo reached the airport and parked the car. He looked around and saw her sitting on a bench. He walked to her and she looked at him.

"Did Randhir Jizu sent you?" She asked as she got a message from Sanyu.

"Yes. I am Lorenzo. I am here for you, Ms. Jha. Just come with me." He said picking up her bags.

She nodded and stood up from the bench. He placed her luggage in the trunk and opens the door for her. She sat inside the car and he goes to the driver seat and started the engine. She looked outside of the window and saw how beautiful city is this. But this beauty isn't affecting her much because her heart was bleeding from inside.


Randhir walked downstairs in the hall and saw Sanyu was caressing her forehead worriedly. He shook his head and went to her. He sits beside her and pulled her in his embrace.

"What happened?" He asked holding her face.

"I guess she is not good." She replied shaking her head negatively.

"L'amour relax. She will be fine." He said consoling her.

"I know Randhir but I felt something bad happened with her. I sensed in her voice." She said looking at him.

"Okay we will ask her tomorrow but don't ask her anything right now." Randhir said caressing her right cheek with his thumb.

"But if your friend Arjun has done something with her then I will not leave him easily. He will have to pay for hurting my bestfriend. I am telling you already." She pointing her finger at him and he laughed a little.

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