Morgan smiled further and put the phone call on speakerphone, "Alright everyone can hear you now."

"Hey guys." She sounded.

Her voice awoke my wolf and I had to calm him down so I took a sip of water.

"Congratulations on find your mate Trace, I'm sure she's lovely." Zoe sounded sweetly.

"Hey thanks Zo." Trace sounded.

'Zo and Mo...Trace is obviously close to the girls.' My wolf pointed out.

"Sooo Ryder, can you please tell us how you met your mate?" Zoe asked me.

"Oh...of course." I said. "I went out for a run earlier, to clear my mind a little and so I let my wolf sorta take control, and he lead me to her...her wolf stopped me in my tracks cold, I couldn't move, I couldn't think, then she saw me and shifted, I assume out of reflex...and she was a sight to see."

"Eww perv." Morgan sounded.


-Zoe's POV-

"Not like there was nothing sexual at all..." Ryder amended cutely.

I listened in, completely enamored with this man, I was also relieved to hear that he wasn't just flat out trying to see me naked earlier.

I was laying back on the bed in my dad's spare room and loving hearing the sound of his voice.

Ryder Mate.


I smiled beyond contently and closed my eyes as I listened on to his words.

"...As a matter of fact she immediately hid behind a tree so I wouldn't see her naked...then she poked her head out... her hair was all over the place, kinda wild...-"

My eyes shot open in shock and embarrasment and I was sitting up now a little defensively. "WHAT?!" I asked mortified

"He said she had crazy hair." Morgan said, completely overlooking my appalled tone.

Ryder went on to explain and correct himself, but I didn't miss the hint of sweetness in his tone now.

"No it wasn't crazy, just a little wispy from her running, but not how I'm making it seem...No my mate...Well, she is without a doubt obviously breathtaking...and that's also why I came back without my shirt, if given her mine to cover herself up with...and I won't lie, I kinda like the fact that she has a little piece of me with her to curl up into at night if she wants to."

I literally swooned as I felt my body fall back against the bed once more and biting back another smile as I totally packed his top to do just that.

I was beyond lucky for finding my mate in Ryder, it really seemed like he was a gentle and romantic sort of man.

But my calm moment was ended when the conversation continued.

"So Ryder, what's her name?" Trace asked.

My heart began to race, what if he didn't want people to know about us yet...I mean he was telling his siblings about his mate but what if he always meant to keep my identity a secret.

'Mate's not like that, Mates proud of us.'

I sighed as softly as I could so no one would hear it. I knew my wolf was right, even though I don't know Ryder very well yet, I knew enough to realize that isn't the type of man he is.

Or at least I don't think he is.

"I don't know if she would want me to tell anyone just yet?" He sounded unsure now.

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