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________After  one month _________

Alina POV

1 month! One month without him, without seeing him. He just disappeared. He left me not even worried about me.

I know It was me who broke up but still.

Today I was invites at Granny Ann. She heard about what happened between us and invited me for tea.

I knocked on the door and she open it.

"Alina my sweet girl!" She hugged me.

"Come on in!" I smiled at her.

She gave me tea and we were talking.

"How are you feeling?" She asked out of the blue.

"Good I guess!" I said taking a sip from the tea.

"When I was younger my boyfriend and I used to fight to much. Even for small things but do you know how kept are together? Love! We loved each other deeply. One day we fought to bad and I didn't gave him the chance of explanation. So I did what I thought was bst for me 'leave'. After I realized I had made a big mistake not letting him explain to me and the most important thing not putting my self in his place. What would have I done if I was him?"

She was right! I didn't let Axel explain to me. What have I done?

"You see darling the key to a god and longterm relationship is based on communication, tolerance and understanding. Love always triumphs! She said wisely.

I looked down in shame.

" You rejected him!" She said drinking her tea.


"Do you know how heavy and destructive is that for a werewolf. Especially for an Alpha to be rejected by his mate!" She pointed out.

Alpha? Mate? Rejection?

She notice my confusion and started explaining.

"The Alpha is the leader of a pack, the power of a pack. You are his mate which means his soulmate given by Moongoodness. Without you he is not strong enough. You are his Luna, his pride. You are created to rule with him. And rejection my dear is when you reject his wolf and him. Breaking every bond with him."

O my God what have I done! I destroyed my Axel!

"He has suffered a lot in his life. He was raised without the love of his mother. My son married his mother when his first wife, his mate died. She killed Axel's father and he killed her to protect his sister Elena!"

Axel baby what have I done? You only wanted love? And and I broke you!

"I love him! I didn't know about this things! I should go to him!"

She took my hand in hers and said: "Leave the past buried and fight for you present and future. Go to him!"

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I hugged her tight.

Axel my love I am coming to get you!!!

__________( Axel's house)_________

Granny Ann gave me his address and here I am standing in front of his house. My heart is beating like crazy, I am sweating profusely, aaI am nervous.

I knocked on the door for the first time. Nothing! Second time... still nothing. When I was about to knock again the door was open revealing him only in his towel.

His eyes cold. His perfect body, his messy wet hair!!!! I missed him so much.

"Alina?! What are you doing here?"

"Who is it Axel?" I heard a feminine voice coming from inside the house.

Is he frequenting another girl? Did he forget about me?

Suddenly the girl came over. "Hi I am Elena his sister! Who are you?"

Thank God his sister!!!

"I am Alina his mate!" I said confident.

Both their eyes wide open. It took them by surprise.

"Axel she is so pretty bro! You are lucky to have her! Now I am leaving you both. Alina please bring him in good mood because he has been a ashole and bipolar! It was nice to meet you! We will see each other again, for now you are free to fuck my brother!" She hugged me and went away!

She said that in front of us. How confident of her and shameless.

"What do you want?" Axel said.

So I need to be more confident to gain him back.  I entered home.

"I want you!" I said.

"You rejected me!" He said quietly.

"And I regret it! If I had known what it was I wouldn't have done it!" I went closer to him.

"What is done is done!" He said never leaving my eyes.

I put my hand on his chest "I am sorry for hurting you! I know you may not love me anymore but I still love you!" I put his hand on my chest "My heart is and always be yours."

"I made a mistake not hearing you! Please give me another chance my big bad Alpha." I purred in his ear.

He growled but he was trying to hide it. He wanted me to beg, well I will do it.

I put both of my hands on his abs never leaving his eyes: " I want to be yours again."

" Alina that's enough! Things have changed, I am not the same anymore." He said moving away.

"I can't live without you! Don't tell me you don't want me! You better kill me! Kill me here right now! I am not afraid to die from your wolf  Claus." He turned his head.

"I know everything about you!" I went closer.

"Kill me Axel!" I said with defiance.
"Kill me with your bare hands if you have forgotten me and don't want me in your life anymore!" I closed my eyes.

He murmured "fuck ,fuck ,fuck".

Yeah baby that's what I want right now!!!!


Hey smutt in the next chapter!

Read at your own risk! You are free to skip it  if you want.

Love is in the air!!!!

Alpha Axel Pierse Where stories live. Discover now