(Ghost of the Past)

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Axel POV

She just pushed me! Why?

"Stop! Listen here let's pretend something like this never  happened. Let's pretend I didn't hear those words. It was a mistake!!!" She said strongly putting her hands on her waist.

She wanted this. Her eyes were full with lust and I could smell her arousal. Somehow she knows something is going on between us.

"Alina I..."

"Just because you have a nice body, beautiful eyes, money and God knows what doesn't mean I will droll over you! I don't trust anyone and I don't trust your words either." She said frustrated.

I could see she was pissed.

"Alina What are you saying?!" I asked confused.

"I am saying stay the hell away from me and Goodnight Professor Pierce." She said seriously and just like that opened the door.

I was speechless but somehow happy we shared a moment. I don't know what the fuck is happening to me? I am not like this.

One moment she drives me crazy, later makes me happy, frustrated, confused....

"She likes our body moron??? Ohh I likes hers too!"

"Oh shut up Claus!"

"What? She complimented us!" He acts innocent.

I left her house to go rest. It is my first night sleeping calm without nightmares.

I took a shower and went to my bed  all the time my mind was stuck at our kiss.

Alina! Alina! What are you doing to me!


I woke up from a good sleep, my mood was calm. I went downstairs to make breakfast since I live alone.  I enjoy my life away from people, having my own space.

"Damian find Caleb and bring him to my office immediately!" I mind-linked my beta.

Alina doesn't know that Caleb is a werewolf from his father.  In fact most people in school are werewolf. He needs to understand not to touch what's not his.

I was expecting Caleb in my office drinking quietly my coffee.

"Alpha." they both bowed.

"Damian leave us alone. We will talk later." I said not even averting my eyes from Caleb.

"Pfff How can Alina like this pup?! He doesn't even have a bear!" Claus said.

I roll my eyes at him. He is such a dick.

"Is there anything wrong Alpha?" Caleb asked me, fear in his eyes.

"You and Alina! Do you like her?" I asked spontaneously and in a cold voice taking a sip from my coffe. 

"Well Yeah!"  He replied shyly scratching the back of his head.

"HOW DARE HE? I want to cut his dick off!!!" Claus said angry, clearly not liking the idea of someone else talking like that for our mate.

"Alpha are you alright?" Caleb asked bringing me back in to reality.

I was just imagining ways to torture him!!!

"I am fine, just some desire to kill someone. You know for blood! To break bones, cut throats, stuff like that." I said smirking.

He became yellow, his face was one that showed fear. He didn't say anything just lowered his hear in submission.

"You will stay away from Alina! Are we clear?" I was now stand up with my hands on the table.

"But..." he raised his head and looked me in the eyes.

"No buts Caleb. Do as I say!!!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Why?!" He asked surprised.

I raised on eyebrow at him, clearly not liking the idea of explanation. I don't explain to anyone. Let alone him!

"Okay Alpha!" He said defeated.

"You are free to go now!" He bowed and left the office.

I turned  eyes to the window  resting one hand in the wall. My pack is my life, without them I am nothing and hell they deserve their Luna. They want to be complete! They miss the previous Luna, Elena's mother because she was the real Luna not her.

"Hahahahah you slut, take that!" She yelled and slapped Elena.

"Please stop, please." Elena's breaks. Her eyes holding tears. "Don't hurt father please! I will do anything you want!" She whispered crying.

"You really think I am stupid don't you?! I don't believe your bullshit slut, and I don't have a heart, not for you that's for sure. See that boy over- there in the picture .." she pointed at a picture of mine.
"he is the future of this pack, thanks to him I will have power! Oh I forgot to mention that your weak stupid father is dead now. Hahahha I killed him last night slowly enjoying it. He already was going down with his illness, let's just say I gave him a push."

Elena started to cry hard "NO NO you are lying!!! FATHERRRR WAKE UPP!!!! Please don't leave me!!! Fatherrrrrrrr!!!!!" She yelled loudly.

"I will kill you bitch! He treated you like a queen, he loved you. What kind of creature are you?! Monster is was the father of your child. Father of Axel. I hate you!" She yelled and cried.

"That's good because I hate you too Elena and know I am going to finish you once and for all!" She grabbed her hair and slapped her again and again. Blood dripping from her mouth, nose.... 

In that moment I entered in the room. It was a total mess.

She was beating the crap out of her. Elena was    16. So fragile! She is my sister and I couldn't see that anymore. This needs to stop I thought. I was only 14. I could manage my wolf .

"MOM ENOUGH!!!" I yelled at her.

She raised her head and in that moment I saw the hate, the craziness in her eyes. She is mental!

"What did you said?! Ha repeat again!" She came close to me. Her hands shaking like a psychopath.

I was afraid! She was my mom.

"I said enough with this! Elena doesn't deserve this! She...."


"Weak!!! You are weak just like your weak father!" She said to me.

I gave her a death glare. My father was my hero, a hearted person not like this monster in front of me.

How could she speak to him like that? Yet knowing what he was for me! Knowing he was my rock.

"I should kill you to just like I killed HIM!!" She slapped me once more.


"You did what???" My wolf was out of control, I was losing it.

"I gave him a little push!!" She smiled in my face.

I saw red. The next thing I know was me lying in a hospital and near me was Elena holding my hand.

She told me I killed her!

I completely lost control over myself and my wolf.

End of flashback

Hello 👋

Long chapter but I hope it was worth it!

What do you think of Axel and his truth?

What should he do?

Keep reading to find out!!!

Alpha Axel Pierse Where stories live. Discover now