MTF(26): 51/52

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"I'm so sorry Cassy!"
"No.",Peter blocked me from Dylan,"You don't get to say that!"
"You're over reacting."
"Over reacting!?",Richard took me from Peter and sat us on the couch,"Tonight you'll sleep in Darla's room."
"What!? I am not sleeping with her!"
"She's going to sleep with Alex."
He can't be serious right now!
"Come on ,Sandy, aren't you going to say anything!?"
She scrunched her face,"Shane and I both agree that it will be okay for the night. Plus,Alex will be sleeping on the floor."
"Yeah,right.", Alex rolled his eyes.
"You guys can't-!"
"It's been decided already."
"Not by me!"
"You're forgetting that you almost died today!"
"Which is Dylan's fault!"
"I'm sorry Cassy.", Dylan whispered.
I couldn't stop tossing and turning in Darla's bed. Richard had just checked on me for the third time a few minutes ago and I swear if he does it again I'll throw something at him. He was taking this stupid kidnapping thing way too far. I didn't get hurt and if you really think about it it's his fault because of his involvement with them. If he had given them their brother back I wouldn't have been taken in the first place.
They were also being way too hard on Dylan. It really wasn't his fault that I got kidnapped. It's true that I often get hurt when it's only the two of us , but that's because I put myself in those situations. Dylan is the more careful one out of the two of us. I was the one to blame really.
I wasn't thinking rationally when I walked out of the house. I made the mistake of walking out of the house alone. Ken and David could have really hurt me. I'm lucky that all they wanted was their brother and not to take advantage of me. They were probably the nicest kidnappers anybody has ever met.
"Cassandra.", I heard the unmistakable stern voice of Peter behind me.
I paused with my hand on the doorknob. How could he possibly known that I would try to sneak back into Dylan's? Richard hadn't even guessed it. Shit, I didn't know I was until a few minutes ago. I couldn't sleep without Dylan.
I turned to where he was standing down the hall,"Peter."
He opened his door wider,"Get your ass in here."
I sighed and walked slowly to where he stood. Peter was obviously still mad about what happened earlier today. I didn't want him to take that anger out on Dylan. I wouldn't put it pass him to start a fight just so he could hit him. Maybe if I distracted him long enough he'd forget why he was angry.
Peter placed his hand on my lower back and pushed me through the threshold. What was he rushing for? I got my answer when he pulled my shirt over me and wrapped my legs around him. Surprisingly, he didn't go right for my neck like he normally did, but instead he just held me to him. Maybe, he wasn't has mad as I thought he was.
Peter held me closer to him,"I thought that I would never get to do this again."
"It wasn't has bad as Richard described it."
"They could have killed you!"
"Shhh.", I put my hand on his jaw,"I'm okay."
He laid both of us on his bed,"You could have been really hurt Cassandra."
"Well, I'm not and you guys blaming Dylan is not right. I wouldn't have been put in the situation if it weren't for Richard!"
"Richard saved you!"
"No, he's the reason they took me!"
Peter silently stared at me has he stroked my leg that was still wrapped around him. He knew that I was right about Richard's influence on what happened. If he gave Reid back to his brothers they wouldn't have looked into Richard's personal life. They just wanted their brother back. I'm sure Peter and Richard would go to the same length.
"I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.",Richard sat beside me on the couch.
I crossed my arms,"When you say sorry to Dylan and give Reid back I'll forgive you."
It's been a complete immature fight the whole morning between the boys and I. I still didn't think it was fair for them to blame Dylan and try to ban us from being together. So, I'm currently giving the boys, mainly Richard, the silent treatment. It hasn't been working very well considering that their using food has a bargaining chip. So far I've given in three times.
"That's it!",Richard stood and grabbed my wrist,"I'll take you to see him!"
Richard and I have been driving now for at least thirty minutes. We passed my uncle's house strangely enough ten minutes ago. Did my uncle know that Richard was keeping a man from his family in the woods behind his house? There was a faint trail for the car to follow that if you didn't know was there you'd drive right past it.
I kept glancing at Richard has he hummed to the radio. Could I be in danger when I'm with him? He beat up Ken and he has Reid locked away in the woods. Should I have told my uncle about it? That's what a smart person would have done before going to a secluded place with someone questionable. Could I trust Richard?
From: Piper
To: Cassandra
How are you doing?
To: Piper
From: Cassandra
Your brother is taking me to Reid.
-Cassandra Xoxoxo
From: Piper
You should have told me!
"Who are you texting?"
I quickly locked my phone and looked up,"No one."
"You haven't said anything in the passed two hours, Cass. Are you okay?"
"Two hours!"
"Yeah, we've been sitting here for at least three minutes. Are-", Richard faced his body to me,"Are you afraid of me?"
"Part of me is, but the other part of me knows that if anything happened to me my uncle would kill you. So I know you wouldn't hurt me because it would mean your life."
"Cass I wouldn't hurt you. You mean more than you know to all of us. I'm bringing you here because you deserve to know at least something."
At least something, meant there was more than just keeping a man locked away.
The house that stood in front of us looked harmless enough but I knew better than to judge it by its cover. Reid was somewhere in there and I had to get him out. Richard wrapped my arm around his and told me to stay close. With every step we took closer to the house a nervous feeling inside of me raised higher. Would there be others from scary Richard's secret life in there?
Inside the house was empty with no hints of anyone living there. Was this some kind of set up? We're miles from home in an abandoned house, Reid was supposedly here, and I had no way of protecting myself. Richard wouldn't kill me off now that I knew about his secret life would he?
"Usually the house would be full but I guess they all went out for a run."
So that answers that question.
"Are you ready to see him?", I nodded my head,"You don't need to be scared. I won't let him hurt you."
"I'm not that scared. It's just that I don't know what to expect."
"Well he's behind bars if that answers your question."
Richard walked us to where the kitchen was and opened the pantry door,"Are you sure you want to see all of this?"
"Yeah, but why are we in the pantry. "
Did he really think food was all I thought about?
I chuckled quietly to myself, well food wasn't the only thing I thought of Oliver and Peter were pretty high up there.
He pulled me farther in and closed the door leaving us in darkness. I don't know what scared me more being two hours away from my uncle or being alone with Richard in a pantry. Was he expecting something for "saving" me? I know my reputation calls for it, but was Richard really that different of a person than I thought he was. I sure has hell wouldn't have thought that the Richard I knew would keep a man from his family. Was I in trouble?
"Relax, Cass.", I felt his hand on my shoulder.
"It's not has bad as you're thinking."
"Really because I'm thinking this is going to end badly."
I felt his lips lightly touch my forehead,"Don't be scared Cass."
"I'm not."
"You're tense. I'm here for you. There's nothing to be scared of."
"I'm not scared, I'm worried."
He brought me closer and rested his chin on my head,"There's nothing to be worried about."
"I think we should see Reid now."
When Richard opened the door I thought it would be dark and I would hear screams of pain, but I didn't. What I saw was Dan sitting on a chair with his focus on his phone. It looked more like a bomb shelter than where you would keep prisoners. At least I knew they were treating Reid well. I couldn't imagine returning him to his brothers with bumps and bruises.
"Why'd you bring her here?", Dan spoke without looking up from his phone.
I snatched his phone and put it in my pocket,"Listen fudge packer, I'm here to see Reid. Now bring me to him."
He raised his eyebrows and stood up,"Let's go."
Reid was around Richard and Dan's age and he looked more like Ken than he did David. He sat on a twin bed with a smile on his face. It puzzled me why he would be smiling when they're keeping him from his brothers. What could he possibly be happy about? Maybe he knew I was here to help him.
"Open the door."
"Cass, I don't think that's a good idea."
I turned to him,"Open the door."
Once the door was open I walked in with both of their eyes on me,"It's almost like a little hotel room."
If this is how they treated the people they don't like, I had nothing to worry about.
I sat down next to Reid causing him to laugh,"I didn't know The Lanes were so hospitable."
"She's not for you."
Reid raised his hands,"I know, I know, down boy."
"Stay by the door Richard."
"Cass!", I glared at him,"Fine, just know that if he touches you I'm killing him."
"Than I'll make sure I'm the only one touching."
"Relax, Lane. She's making a joke."
"I'll still kill you."
I turned my attention back to Reid,"You said Lanes.", he nodded,"So, you know Peter too."
"Let me guess, you're in some sort of love triangle and you want to know who'd make a better lover?"
"No, I think I know that already."
"Good to know. So why are you here? I can tell Lane doesn't want you here."
"I met your brothers."
"Great guys,aren't they?"
"They kidnapped her!"
"Sorry on their behalf. They can get carried away."
"I want to know why you're locked up."
"Didn't get away in time."
"I heard about you. I wanted to see if it was true."
"See what?"
"You're uncle is a very powerful man."
"I think that's enough for today.", Dan spoke for the first time since we started.
Reid smiled,"I think that's best."
"No! I want to know more!"
In the end I was back in Richard's car trying to brake into Dan's phone. I didn't bother to give it back when Richard dragged me out of the house. I've already taken three selfies and two pictures of Richard. He even posed for one of them. I'm sure we'll be getting a surprise visit from Dan soon.
"Everyone is asleep, already are you hungry?",Richard put the car keys down on the side table.
"Yeah, I feel like I'm going to pass out."
"How about some late night breakfast?"
"Mm.", I sat on a stool,"Sounds good."
"What are you thinking?"
"I think you should give Reid back."
"Cass, you don't understand. I'm just trying to protect you."
"He didn't want to hurt me,Richard. He was just curious. Do you know how many people have given me weird looks because I'm Uncle Lenny's niece? It's like they think he has no family!"
"But, you can't know that for sure! He wasn't joking about your uncle! People might want to hurt you to get to him!"
Oh great my uncle really was in a gang.
I sighed,"You're being dramatic again."
"You were kidnapped Cass! Just because they didn't hurt you doesn't mean someone else won't!"
"He could have hurt me when I was sitting next to him,but he didn't."
He shook his head at me,"Let's get you to bed."
"I'm sleeping with Dylan."
"No, I'm sure Peter wouldn't mind you sleeping with him again."
He knew.
"I'm tired of fighting with you, goodnight."
I felt exhausted from spending the day with Richard. I was so close to finding out some of the secrets today. If I had more time with Reid... No, I'd be stupid to try and find that place again. It's too far off and if something happened to me help would be too late. I'll find out there secrets some other way.
Peter was laying on his stomach in the middle of the bed with the covers kicked off of him. Just the sight of his back muscles were making me wish I wasn't so exhausted. I've tried time and time again, but I can't resist wanting Peter. I slowly started to take off my clothes and climbed up to where his body was. Did he crave me has much as I craved him?
"He said he knew you.", I whispered.
My fingers trailed along his back making his body shiver,"Cassandra, you're making me hard."
I laughed at his now turned over body," I'm too exhausted tonight."
"Exhausted?", he sat up and held me,"What the hell were you and Richard doing all day!?"

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